Woman Refuses to Reconcile with Friend After Heartless PPD Remarks 😱

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We all know that friendships can be tested in the most unexpected ways. But what happens when a friend's insensitive remarks leave you feeling lower than ever? 🤔 One woman found herself in this situation after confiding in her friend about her postpartum depression (PPD) struggles. Instead of receiving support, she was met with anger and accusations of being an ungrateful mother. 😡 Now, a year later, her friend has apologized and wants to reconcile. But can this friendship be salvaged? 🤷

Opening Up About PPD 🥺

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Seeking Support from a Friend 🙏

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

A Shocking Response 😡

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Accusations of Selfishness 😶

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Feeling Even Lower 😞

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Husband's Support 💕

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

A Year Later... ⏰

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

An Apology and Explanation 🙏

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Seeking Reconciliation 🕊️

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Acceptance, but No Friendship 🚫

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Bombarded with Messages 📞

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Husband Thinks She Should Give a Chance 🤔

aitappdmama | aitappdmama

Can a Friendship Be Saved After Such Hurtful Words? 🤷

After opening up about her PPD struggles, this woman was met with harsh words from her long-time friend. Now, a year later, the friend has apologized and wants to reconcile. She claims she was in a bad mental place and has since sought therapy. While our protagonist accepts the apology and wishes her well, she refuses to rekindle the friendship. 🚫 Now, she's being bombarded with messages from her ex-friend and her husband, urging her to give their friendship another chance. Even her own husband thinks she should reconsider. 😕 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🌐

Friend's apology turns into blaming OP, NTA for ending friendship.

Amythist35 | Amythist35

A touching story of infertility, PND and toxic friendship. 😢

UnsocialablySocial | UnsocialablySocial

Forgiveness is a personal choice, not an obligation 🙏

juswannalurkpls | juswannalurkpls

Friend refuses to take responsibility for hurtful PPD remarks. NTA.

dunemi | dunemi

ESH. Both sides made misjudgments and were in a bad place mentally.

underwhelmedcactus | underwhelmedcactus

Supportive IVF comment sparks positive fertility discussion 👍

hockeypup | hockeypup

Both parties made mistakes, but forgiveness does not equal reconciliation. 💔

Username_Kate | Username_Kate

Commenter defends woman's decision to not reconcile with friend.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting out toxic people is necessary for your mental health 👍

TestSubject025 | TestSubject025

NTA for setting boundaries. Friend was insensitive about PPD.

bjhm90 | bjhm90

Both parties made mistakes and need to work on rebuilding.

ohhnoitsmeagain | ohhnoitsmeagain

Both parties made mistakes, but apology lacked sincerity and accountability 🤷‍♀️

worldwinds22 | worldwinds22

Friend calls out insensitivity towards infertility, both at fault. 🤷‍♀️

krr0421 | krr0421

Friend's apology lacks sincerity, just wants sounding board back. NTA 😱

--nEgativezEro-- | --nEgativezEro--

Friend refuses to take responsibility for hurtful words. NTA.

Ramguy2014 | Ramguy2014

Commenter acknowledges both sides and suggests moving on. 🙌

wigglywriggler | wigglywriggler

Choosing not to reconcile after insensitive comment, NTA.

lms2764 | lms2764

Asking a friend's opinion on PPD was a bad idea. Both parties are at fault.

mothmanspaghetti | mothmanspaghetti

NTA for ending the friendship, but initial misstep caused situation. Friend's tirade was heartless 😢

OilSeeYouL8er | OilSeeYouL8er

Commenter acknowledges both parties' faults in insensitive conversation.

zephyrdragoon | zephyrdragoon

NTA. A true apology requires understanding, not just expectation. 🙏

CanadasNeighbor | CanadasNeighbor

Husband's support for friend's mental illness causing conflict. 🤔

BranWafr | BranWafr

Friend's response to therapy is a red flag 🚨

LeMot-Juste | LeMot-Juste

Friend's apology not genuine, NTA for not reconciling 😱

YerSaltyCaptain | YerSaltyCaptain

Friend reaches out about PPD to grieving mother, ESH situation.

LongLiveTheBBS | LongLiveTheBBS

Commenter calls out OP for seeking support from wrong person 🤔

Element_Girl | Element_Girl

Validating a choice. Accepting an apology but setting boundaries 👍

yes-dick-is-vegan | yes-dick-is-vegan

Choosing to end a toxic friendship is not selfish. NTA 👍

minimallykookoo | minimallykookoo

Don't let anyone pressure you into forgiving hurtful remarks 🙎

thepantsofsam | thepantsofsam

NTA, Forgiveness doesn't mean everything has to go back to normal 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend refuses to take responsibility for heartless PPD remarks 😱

RosalieThornehill | RosalieThornehill

Friend's insincere apology leads to justified 'NTA' judgement 👍

Hellopitty1 | Hellopitty1

Friend refuses to respect boundaries after hurtful comments 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment, husband needs to back off and block toxic friend.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting toxic people out of your life is self-care 🙌

Happypengy | Happypengy

Words can hurt. NTA for prioritizing your mental health 😢

crimsonkittie | crimsonkittie

Mental illness doesn't excuse hurtful remarks. NTA stands strong.

lundibix | lundibix

Don't forgive just because of an apology 🙅

looooooooori | looooooooori

Consider your friend's perspective before seeking advice. 🤔

SaltSuspect | SaltSuspect

Friend struggling with PPD deserves support despite hurtful remarks. ESH.

MilesInAmerica | MilesInAmerica

Setting boundaries after hurtful PPD remarks. NTA 🙏

Atara117 | Atara117

You're not obligated to reconcile with a heartless friend 🙏

rockabillyrosie | rockabillyrosie

NTA. Genuine remorse and understanding are necessary for reconciliation 🙏

PeteyPorkchops | PeteyPorkchops

NTA for not accepting twisted apology and prioritizing own health 👍

bluecarnallove | bluecarnallove

Don't let anyone bully you into being their friend 💪

AQualityKoalaTeacher | AQualityKoalaTeacher

Friend's insincere apology after PPD remarks leads to fallout. NTA.

lgsavelle | lgsavelle

Mental disorder is not an excuse to abuse people around you 😡

spitvire | spitvire

Moving on from hurtful remarks doesn't mean forgetting them 😔

Action-a-go-go-baby | Action-a-go-go-baby

Sometimes losing a friend gives perspective on the relationship 🤔

phillysportsfangirl | phillysportsfangirl

Fake apology? Definitely NTA in this situation 👍

Dakeronn | Dakeronn

Friendship or Accessory? NTA for not reconciling 👏

GiggleGoosey | GiggleGoosey

Apologies should be offered with humility, not demanded to be accepted. 🙏

runawaybirdie | runawaybirdie

Friend blames mental illness for her heartless remarks. NTA's response.

ibringthepetty | ibringthepetty

Friendship can't be forced. NTA stands for Not The A**hole.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting ties with toxic friends is necessary for self-care 👍

Benjamin_Stark | Benjamin_Stark

Empowering reminder to prioritize your own emotional well-being 👏

SaltMarshGoblin | SaltMarshGoblin

Stand your ground! You deserve a real apology 👏

MissKit87 | MissKit87

Woman shares her experience with PPD and how her friend treated her. Not the a**hole for refusing to reconcile.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend's non-apology for PPD remarks deemed unacceptable. #NTA

Glasgowghirl67 | Glasgowghirl67

Supportive comment validates OP's decision to cut off toxic friend.

RainyDayWeather | RainyDayWeather

Mental health shouldn't be used as a manipulation tool. NTA 👍

LovelySSB | LovelySSB

Cutting off toxic friends? NTA, pursue legal action if harassed 🙌

SuckADickbutt | SuckADickbutt

Friend apologized, but irreparable damage done to vulnerable friendship. NTA 👍

TeamChaos17 | TeamChaos17

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