Woman Chooses Father's Dream Trip Over Boyfriend's Debt 💔✈️🏰

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A woman (29F) found herself in a dilemma when her boyfriend (30M) demanded she use her hard-earned savings to pay off his house debt instead of taking her father on a dream trip to Disney World. The woman had been saving for five years to surprise her dad, who had always supported her through tough times. Her boyfriend's reaction and his family's harassment have left her questioning her decision.

The Dream Trip Plan 🏰✨

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

Boyfriend's Financial Struggles 💸🏠

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

The Conflict Begins 😠💔

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

Boyfriend's Accusations 🗣️🤦‍♀️

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

Her Response 🙅‍♀️🏠

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

The Update: A Talk 🗨️🔄

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

The Breakup 💔🚪

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

The Dream Trip is On! 🎉🏰

special_shame9960 | special_shame9960

A Bittersweet Ending 🌅💔

After a heart-to-heart conversation, the woman decided to break up with her boyfriend, who was unhappy with her decision. Despite the breakup, she is moving forward with her plans to surprise her dad with the dream trip to Disney World in October. The experience has left her with a bittersweet ending, but she remains determined to make her father's dream come true. 💕✨

Choose yourself first 👍. Don't settle for less 👌.

Efficient_Quarter_40 | Efficient_Quarter_40

Commenter sympathizes with woman's family drama, wishes her happy travels 🎉

Aggy_frog87 | Aggy_frog87

Cherish memories with loved ones 💔, forget the ex 👋🏻

wasabitobiko | wasabitobiko

Choose your dreams over debt 💔✈️🏰 #NTA

paradiseisalibrary31 | paradiseisalibrary31

Don't let your boyfriend's debt ruin your dream trip 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Enjoy Disney World with your dad! NTA 🎉

MyLittleTarget | MyLittleTarget

Spread the love! Take your dad on that Disney trip 🎉

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't mix finances until marriage. Boyfriend's debt not her responsibility. NTA 💯

Migtino | Migtino

Don't pay his bills! NTA. His family's harassment is unacceptable 💯

TheIdealisticCynic | TheIdealisticCynic

Lesson learned: Choose quality men over debt. Happy vacationing! 😎

moistmonkeymerkin | moistmonkeymerkin

Dump the user! 🚮 NTA for choosing father's dream trip.

Double_Reindeer_6884 | Double_Reindeer_6884

Commenters agree: NTA for prioritizing father's dream trip 👍

PlushieTushie | PlushieTushie

Cherish family memories over debt. 💔

Mrs-Lovett | Mrs-Lovett

Choose family over debt. Don't let anyone manipulate you. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter questions entitlement and supports OP's decision. 👍

Kokoliokoo | Kokoliokoo

Don't let him guilt-trip you. Enjoy your dad's dream trip! 👏

MGS314MGS314 | MGS314MGS314

Choosing family over finances: a breakup worth making 💔

TapEnvironmental9768 | TapEnvironmental9768

Commenter advises against financial contribution to non-married partner.

chersprague06 | chersprague06

No a-hole here. Short and sweet.

Hemantobarish | Hemantobarish

Commenter advises dumping boyfriend, supports trip with dad 🎉

PopcornandComments | PopcornandComments

Financial independence is key. Dump him for harassing you. NTA 💯

JuniperusRex | JuniperusRex

Comment removed due to rule violation. Be civil.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Prioritizing family over finances, heartwarming NTA decision 💔

PrivateNoLlamaDrama | PrivateNoLlamaDrama

Choose family over finances, always. NTA 👏

cultqueennn | cultqueennn

NTA! Don't let your boyfriend's debt become your problem 👏. You're awesome for prioritizing your father's dream trip 😎

No_Advance4804 | No_Advance4804

Dump the boyfriend waving red flags 👋 and take your dad on his dream trip ✈️

fiorekat1 | fiorekat1

NTA. Boyfriend's entitlement and resentment are red flags. Run fast 👋🏼

aziza7 | aziza7

Take the trip with your father, you won't regret it 💔

cerebral__flatulence | cerebral__flatulence

Father's dream trip > boyfriend's debt. NTA, go enjoy! 👏🏻

neworderfan | neworderfan

Enjoy a magical trip with your father at Disney 🎉

Elle3247 | Elle3247

Don't pay for his debt, take the dream trip instead 👏

OkImprovements | OkImprovements

Dump the boyfriend, go to Disney World, NTA 🎉

Phantom_Cygnus | Phantom_Cygnus

Boyfriend's red flags wave, father's dream trip takes flight 💔✈️🏰

drunkenvalley | drunkenvalley

Take the trip with your father, he's not your responsibility. 💁‍♀️

MissyCross | MissyCross

Dump the debt, not the dream. NTA 💯✈️

EpiJade | EpiJade

Dump the toxic boyfriend and fly high to Florida! 💯💔✈️

Initial_Revenue2429 | Initial_Revenue2429

Choose family over temporary relationships 💔🎓

Lucia37 | Lucia37

Choosing family over finances: NTA's dilemma 💔

BrokenAshcraft | BrokenAshcraft

Choose family over a 1.5 year old relationship 💔👨‍💻🏝

Ok-Mood-8604 | Ok-Mood-8604

Enjoy your dream trip with your dad! NTA 👏

Dandelion-Fire | Dandelion-Fire

Don't flush your savings down the drain! Choose your dad 💔

Morrigan-71 | Morrigan-71

Commenter praises woman's selflessness and calls out toxic behavior.

Effective_Passenger8 | Effective_Passenger8

Boyfriend wants her money without providing stability? NTA 🙅‍♀️

skyntbook | skyntbook

Supportive comment on woman's decision to prioritize father's dream trip.

Purple-Valuable-5245 | Purple-Valuable-5245

Choosing a dream trip over a boyfriend's debt: NTA wins!

exhauta | exhauta

Boyfriend's debt or father's dream trip? NTA chooses wisely 👏

charlieprotag | charlieprotag

Dump him! 👋🏻 You're not responsible for his debt. 💸

BodaciousBonnie | BodaciousBonnie

Don't fall for a con artist 👋🏼

weddingcurmudgeon69 | weddingcurmudgeon69

Choose family over finances 💔🎉🌍. Enjoy Disney and EPCOT's food festival!

Jenny-Greenteeth | Jenny-Greenteeth

Replace hard times memories with Disneyworld dream memories 🎉

xj2608 | xj2608

Putting family first 💔, re-evaluating relationship with unsupportive boyfriend.

lelisblanc | lelisblanc

No ownership, no debt. Break up and go on vacation 💔

GinnyFromTheBlock96 | GinnyFromTheBlock96

Commenter advises to run, but from what? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, prioritize your relationship with your father over a controlling boyfriend 💔

Repolhinho | Repolhinho

Choosing dreams over debt: NTA stands her ground 👏

ffghjjk | ffghjjk

NTA for choosing dad's Disneyland dream over boyfriend's debt 🎉

anonymous101b | anonymous101b

Dump the debt, keep the dream. NTA 💯🏻

taco-tako | taco-tako

Dump the debt, keep the dream. NTA 👏

lainey68 | lainey68

Boyfriend's debt vs father's dream trip, NTA wins 👏

fenriq | fenriq

Stand your ground! Choosing family over debt is #NTA 👏

CinderDroplet | CinderDroplet

Choose your dreams over debt. NTA 👏

Calmandwise | Calmandwise

Dating for 1.5 years, but not living together. NTA, reconsider relationship.

benoz11 | benoz11

NTA. Boyfriend's debt and family drama? Drop him 👌

Ashkendor | Ashkendor

Support for woman's decision to prioritize father's dream trip 👏

MotherofSons | MotherofSons

Don't let his debt become your problem 💸. You made the right choice! 👏

TeacherWithOpinions | TeacherWithOpinions

Don't let your boyfriend's debt hold you back 👍. Take your dad on his dream trip 🌎

ImNotBothered80 | ImNotBothered80

Dodged a bullet! Take your dad on vacation 💔🏝️

Mysterious_Task_5949 | Mysterious_Task_5949

NTA for choosing father's dream trip over boyfriend's debt 💔, run from psychos 😱

turd_ferguson083 | turd_ferguson083

Choose self-love over toxic relationships 💔❤️

xEnraptureX | xEnraptureX

Putting dreams before debt: Woman's NTA decision sparks agreement.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Heartwarming story of daughter choosing father over unsupportive boyfriend 💔

caddykitten | caddykitten

Choose your dreams over debt, NTA! 👏🏻

Calm_Memories | Calm_Memories

Choosing father's dream trip over boyfriend's debt - NTA 👏

bizianka | bizianka

Don't let anyone guilt-trip you into funding their mistakes 👍

PileOfSheet88 | PileOfSheet88

Break up with the controlling boyfriend and his crazy family 👍

Affectionate-Gas2115 | Affectionate-Gas2115

Don't let anyone guilt you into paying their debts 💸💔

Cute_Puppy90 | Cute_Puppy90

Secure your safety, enjoy Disney with dad 🎉

halloween_princess_ | halloween_princess_

Dump the deadbeat boyfriend and enjoy Disney with your dad 🎉

Realistic-Animator-3 | Realistic-Animator-3

Empowering comment, go enjoy that trip with your dad! 👏

dinhyy | dinhyy

Bonding with dad over dream trip > boyfriend's debt ❤️

roseffin | roseffin

Commenter questions why boyfriend's family didn't pay his debt 💰

spaceprincess09 | spaceprincess09

Commenter advises girl to break up with foolish boyfriend 👋🏼

PawneeSunGoddess | PawneeSunGoddess

Choose dad over debt, block them all 👏🏻

tawy098 | tawy098

👏 NTA! Leave him and take that dream trip 🌴✈️

Pseud-o-nym | Pseud-o-nym

Dump the jerk, enjoy the vacation. NTA 😎🎉

fargoLEVY13 | fargoLEVY13

Choosing father's dream trip over boyfriend's debt. NTA. 👏 Enjoy!

ieya404 | ieya404

Choose family over debt, never pay someone else's mistake. NTA 👏

FortuneWhereThoutBe | FortuneWhereThoutBe

Debt, family, and love. Is there a right choice? 🤔

queencashay | queencashay

Choose your dreams over debt. NTA. Dump the boyfriend.

grayhairedqueenbitch | grayhairedqueenbitch

Stand your ground and don't let anyone bully you 💪🏻

luckyintrovert | luckyintrovert

Choose family over finances. Take lots of pics with dad! 👍

AsAmericanAsApplePie | AsAmericanAsApplePie

Dump the debt leech and fly solo towards financial freedom 💰

Gerald-of-Nivea | Gerald-of-Nivea

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