Elizabeth Banks is not a happy lady right now.
Her production of Charlie’s Angels , which looked like just good-natured fun is quite the flop at the box office. And boy, does she have some thoughts as to why.
She’s not shy about saying her opinions, that’s for sure!
So Elizabeth Banks’ ‘Charlie’s Angels’ is a bit of a flop.

It really underperformed at the box office, only making $9 million (and if you think that’s a lot, consider the film cost 60-75 million to make).
How unfortunate for Ms. Banks.
Luckily, she at least had the humor to tweet about it.
After all, Twitter is about one thing, and one thing only: it’s a site made for self-deprecation. That’s what tweeting is all about.
So she delivered on that front.
Plus, it’s not like every single review was bad!
A lot of people really enjoyed it and even thought that it was a refreshing way to deliver the modern age of Charlie’s Angels .
Now before we get into why she thinks it didn’t do well, let’s make one thing clear.

A LOT of people were unsure about whether or not they’d take the time to see the film.
Being turned off by the trailer wasn’t such an unpopular opinion.
Mostly because of the fact that it was yet another reboot.

And although people loved the actresses playing the parts, a lot of people didn’t seem that interested in watching a movie that was just another re-telling of a story they already knew.
This isn’t Disney, after all.
But as for Elizabeth Banks…

I mean, we all knew she wasn’t shy about stating her opinion on anything really, but wow, she had some thoughts on the matter.
To be fair to the film, there seems to be no correct answer as to why it didn’t do so well.

Honestly, it might just be one of those movies that just didn’t come out at the right time.
Maybe it’ll become a cult classic in the years to come? Stranger things have happened!
But Elizabeth Banks thinks she knows the reason why it didn’t do well: because people are sexist.

Recently, she did an interview with Indie Wire explaining that people need to go pay for a ticket to see her movie right now!
Why is she demanding it with such force?

So that more women-dominated movies can be in the mainstream.
“Look, people have to buy tickets to this movie, too. This movie has to make money.”
She explained it more in detail:

“If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.”
I mean, I can definitely understand her point. It makes a lot of sense.

“So even though those are movies about women, they put them in the context of feeding the larger comic book world.”
But if men don’t watch women in action movies, then why did ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘Captain Marvel’ make so much money?

Well, Banks has an answer for that, too.
“They’ll go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that’s a male genre.”
Which is quite a divisive thing to say for a lot of people.

“So it’s all about, yes, you’re watching a Wonder Woman movie but we’re setting up three other characters or we’re setting up Justice League.”
After all, plenty of people, both men and women, love superhero films.
So it might not be exactly fair of her to say that the only reason why her film wasn’t successful was because of sexism.
But did it play a part? Maybe! Still, it’s quite a statement to make, isn’t it?
What do you think? Let us know below in the comments!
Last Updated on November 20, 2019 by Jake Bean