It’s hard to find a romantic partner without engaging in at least a little bit of flirting . Really, it’s a big part of the deal.
If you’re the type of person who can’t flirt to save your life, you’ll probably find the r/AskReddit thread, “Girls of Reddit, what was the best flirting technique someone did to you?” a huge help. We’re talking real-life, non-rom-com techniques that actually worked.
“A man I worked with asked me for my phone number. We had already been working together for a few weeks, and a mutual attraction was evident. I pointed to the bulletin board behind him ‘…It’s on the wall there.’ ‘I know, but I want YOU to give it to me.'”
Big promises.
“I’m British, and I came over to the States on a temporary work visa, to do ‘one’ ski season with Vail Resorts. I was bartending at an on mountain restaurant, and a couple of snowboarders come in and start talking to me. It came up that I was only there for the season, then one of them says ‘I’ll marry you so you can stay… but we have to go on a date first.'”
Demonstrate value.
“I had met him a few times at this point and he spotted me unloading groceries from my car. He insisted on helping me carry everything in, and even just unloading everything onto the counters while asking about my day. It was incredibly easy to imagine dating him all of a sudden because I had a tiny glimpse into what my day-to-day could look like.”
Play beautiful music.
“The third time we hung out I went to his house. We were both in grad school and were talking in his room but I was exhausted from school and my 2 jobs. I was sitting on his bed and fell asleep. When I woke up he had put a blanket on me and was playing beautifully on the piano. I was so embarrassed cause I had drooled all over his pillow and surprised that he was so kind about the drool and not creepy about me being passed out on his bed.”
Riding shotgun.
“When my husband and I started dating, he would do this thing when he shifted gears in his little Sentra. He would kinda of brush the back of his hand on the outside of my thigh as he shifted. I don’t know how to explain it but it was like fireworks everytime it happened. We were riding in that car when I realized I could spend the rest of my life riding shotgun with him.”
Shoot your shot.
“I was in Chicago on business, got a horrible migraine, and had to cancel a meeting with a man I had met with (for work) the day before. I get really bad migraines, really, really bad. After it was over I had to get a bit of food and something to drink, but it was very late and there was no way I would survive any kind of car/cab ride. He was the only person I knew in town, so I sent him a text to see if he knew of anything in my area that would be safe/open that late within walking distance. He drove 30 min across town in the middle of the night to walk me to a 24hr restaurant and buy me dinner.”
That actually worked?!
“Was riding home with the friends group back in 2008. We stopped to drop off the one guy, and I got out to stretch. I mentioned that the stars were so much more visible up there in the mountains and he said, ‘Yeah, they’re really pretty. Wish I had someone to watch em with.'”
I’ll be watching you.
“My first boyfriend came into the store where I was working and just straight up told me he had seen me through the window and needed to run home to clean up/put on something nice so he could come back and ask me on a date. It was super endearing :)”
Right then and there.
“We met at a Halloween house party and when I was going to leave he walked me to the room with all the coats which also happened to be a kids room and he asked me ‘what color crayon would you like to write your phone number with?’ I married him.”
Bringer of sunsets.
“I like sunsets – they’re kind of my thing. I photograph them, have sold calendars about them. I just like sunsets. Anyway… I was participating in a medical study, and we were sequestered to our room for 14 days. The guy I liked would send me pictures of the sunset each night, because he didn’t want me to miss any.”
– u/ceerz
He meant well.
“My mum and dad were set up by a friend of theirs. My mum is completely deaf, upon being told this before he met her my dad went out and learnt as much sign language as he could before he met her…. my mum doesn’t know sign language… adorable and hilarious.”
When in doubt, ask about video games.
“I was playing my 3DS on the train and a guy sat across from me, said ‘Excuse me, can I ask what you’re playing?’ and we struck up a conversation. I was so engaged that I almost missed my stop. Afterwards we would sit and talk on our way home and he started gifting me books from his work. That’s when I asked him out!”
Probably tries it on everyone.
“We were walking quietly at night and he stopped, looked me in they eyes, and said ‘I think you just broke my writer’s block.’
“Not sure if it was a ‘technique’ (it seemed genuine; when we parted ways he went home and wrote the first song he’d written in months). Buuut it was super hot and I melted when he said it.”
Pay attention.
“Took genuine time to get to know me, and bought me a few gifts based on interests he’d asked me about before. I was less amazed by the gifts, and more amazed that he’d cared enough to remember what I actually liked. I’d found most guys wouldn’t listen, and would just buy me generic stuff like jewellery or chocolates if they wanted to gift me something, which was very nice, but not for me.”
Just be yourself.
“The first week dating my now-husband, we climbed a tree together and sat in it for an hour, getting to know each other and making each other laugh.
“Be genuine. You’ll be happiest when someone likes you for how you are. Listen carefully and show you are paying attention goes a long way.”
Love in the time of Sega Genesis.
“When I was 10 I received a love letter from a boy. It contained a flower inside, and at the bottom of the letter he wrote some cheat codes for Mortal Kombat for me. He knew I was always playing that game on my Sega.”
Argue, but don’t be a j**k.
“Arguing with me. But in a way that let me know he respected my opinion, just disagreed.
“Not arguing to ‘win’ or show superiority. Just an enthusiastic exchange of differing ideas.
“This devolved into teasing, and then into some other things that were a lot less cerebral.”
Don’t overthink.
“Just being genuinely nice. My boyfriend was too shy to flirt with me at first since were only friends, so he texted me saying I looked really nice that day after seeing me, and it was such a simple thing but it really made my day better. And that can let the person know you are interested in them. It doesn’t need to be a big scheme.”
The ol’ memory test.
“I was walking on my university campus, tripped and dropped my books. (Heeled sandals, raised sidewalk) He asked me if I was ok, and picked up my books. He then carried my books and walked me to class. We chatted the entire walk, and when we got to my class, he asked for my phone number. I tore off a piece of paper, and wrote it, but without my name. I wanted to see if he was listening when I told him. He listened.”
Ball’s in their court.
“When I met my first bf, we were at a car show. We talked/flirted for a bit and then instead of asking for my number, he gave me his number. He left it completely up to me if I wanted to contact him again or not. I was insanely shy, but I liked him, so I texted him the next day and it led to dating.”
Last Updated on August 31, 2021 by D