Imagine working 15-hour days and coming home to a partner who demands a pristine, magazine-worthy home. That’s the reality for one exhausted woman who’s struggling to keep up with her partner’s expectations. He wants an old-fashioned wife-stays-at-home relationship, but can’t support their non-extravagant lifestyle on his income alone. So now, she’s working too, and they’re both battling d********n. Is she in the wrong for not keeping their home spotless? Let’s dive into her story.
Hostile Partner
Old-Fashioned Expectations ️
Carpooling Woes
Long Days, Little Rest
Exhausted and Overwhelmed
D********n Strikes
Clean House = Happiness?
Anger and Frustration
Car Purchase Update
Hissy Fit Over Car
Empty House, Shiny Car
Exhausted Woman Faces Unfair Expectations
This woman is working 15-hour days and struggling to keep up with her partner’s demands for a spotless home. He wants an old-fashioned wife-stays-at-home relationship but can’t support their lifestyle on his income alone. So, she’s working too, and they’re both battling d********n. When she finally buys a car to ease their carpooling troubles, he throws a tantrum and leaves. Now, she’s left wondering if she’s in the wrong for not keeping their home pristine. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Partner setting up for failure, NTA. He’s the problem
Partner demands pristine home, but she’s NTA for exhaustion
Partner wants pristine home but won’t help clean. NTA.
Take a break, hire a maid, and consider counseling ♀️
Partner demands pristine home, but commenter suggests independence from toxic man
Partner expects clean house, but won’t clean. NTA.
Partner demands clean home, can’t figure out why it’s dirty. NTA.
Partner demands pristine home, insults her. NTA, leave him.
Partner’s demand for pristine home is a form of control
Partner demands pristine home, but won’t clean it. NTA.
Partner’s controlling behavior must be addressed to avoid MIL’s fate
Demanding partner calls her names for not cleaning? NTA. Couple’s counselling?
Partner blaming and refusing to take responsibility for his own wellness. NTA.
Partner demands pristine home, but won’t help clean? NTA.
Partner sets unrealistic expectations and controls movement, NTA.
Partner’s double standards called out in demanding household comment.
Partner demands pristine home, but NTA says 1950s trope outdated
Curious comment questions partner’s cleaning demands with humor
Partner demands pristine home but is an alcoholic, sexist, and lazy. NTA.
Partner demands pristine home, but commenter says NTA and suggests getting help for d********n. Recommends leaving toxic partner.
Consider therapy or breakup, partner may have OCD
Partner demands pristine home, but commenter suggests root cause identification. NTA.
Partner’s demands a cover for deeper issues. NTA.
Is a temporary break the solution to their relationship issues?
Partner demands perfection, but at what cost? NTA, seek help.
Suggests finding alternative transport, raises concern about illegal driving
Solving transportation issues to avoid partner’s demands
Partner demands pristine home, but belittles NTA for exhaustion
Partner expects clean house but won’t help. NTA.
Relatable comment on unfair household expectations.
Partner wants mommy, not wife. Tell him to grow up
Partner demands clean home, but why is it her responsibility?
Survivor shares the freedom of escaping an abusive relationship
Partner demands pristine home, but won’t help clean? NTA
Questioning the benefits of a one-sided relationship
Standing up against abuse and entitlement
Partner’s unrealistic expectations create toxic relationship. NTA.
Partner demands clean house, but won’t help. NTA.
Empathetic comment supports woman’s struggle against patriarchy.
Partner demands clean home but won’t help. Budget advice given.
Partner expects pristine home but won’t help clean. NTA.
Partner demands pristine home, but won’t help clean? NTA.
Partner demands pristine home, but insults when upset. NTA.
Partner wants pristine home, but commenter suggests he clean. NTA.
Recommended book to identify emotional manipulation. Helpful resource.
Partner expects too much from her, NTA for feeling exhausted
Curious commenter asks about partner’s legal issues and DUI.
Partner demanding pristine home, but NTA prioritizes rest and equity.
Demanding a pristine home without helping clean? NTA. Split chores evenly.
Partner demands perfection, blames d********n for own toxicity
Partner can clean up too. NTA for messy house. Support needed.
Partner demands clean home, but commenter suggests he clean it. ♀️
Partner demands pristine home, but won’t help and lacks empathy.
NTA. A stay-at-home wife deserves appreciation and compromise
Partner demands clean home, but won’t help. Possible abuse situation
Leave the 1950s a**hole before he becomes abusive. NTA
Traditional gender roles are outdated. Men should help with housework too. #NTA
Suggests therapy and saving for a second car.
Shared space means shared responsibility. NTA.
Equal contribution to bills means equal contribution to housework. NTA
Partner blaming her for his d********n, not her responsibility to fix
Suggesting a chores chart to split housework fairly
Partner wants clean house, but won’t clean. NTA wins.
Partner gets mad at her for not keeping home perfect. NTA. Suggests petty revenge
Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Diply Social Team