Upcycling is a great art form. I mean, you get to use something that’s already out there to make another fantastic item. What can go wrong ? Well, as it turns out — a lot. Ha, ha!
This one upcycle project turned up on TikTok , and it’s now making some waves for all the wrong reasons. You really need to see it to believe it.
So typically, when you upcycle something, the idea is to make it look better.

Am I right or wrong here? Well, that’s what I’ve seen most of the time. But this one project begs the question of what’s actually good taste.
Hear me out!

A TikTok user going by the handle @brookewalding just posted a video, and let’s just say it’s questionable. She claims to be “upcycling” an office chair.
I put upcycling in quotation marks because I’m not sure it really applies here.
This is where it gets weird.

The video starts with her ripping the fabric away and spraying the entire chair with spray foam. Okay, I’m already going like, “W*F?” What kind of technique is that? Ha, ha, I don’t know about this.
First of all, the fabric looked absolutely perfect to me.

Why ruin it? I don’t get it but let’s move on. Then she proceeds to fill the rest of the chair with some kind of putty sculpting substance. Is this going anywhere?
Apparently not.

Once this is over, this lady proceeds to paint it pink. Yeah, like that’s going to make it look any more attractive? As if it wasn’t bad enough when people use spray foam to make picture frames.
Now, as I said before, you really need to see it in action to know what I mean, so here’s the video.
Eat your heart out, ha, ha! This woman claims that the cat loves his new chair. I think he’s probably the only one.
Seriously, the comments on this TikTok are absolutely hilarious.

I started chuckling right away when I read them. It seems to me that most people have a real issue with this “upcycle.” And I tend to agree with them big time.
Oh my goodness.

I think this lady hit the nail on the head. Why would anybody do this? I kind of think that it’s some kind of big joke. It can’t be a serious project. Are you with me on this?
So is this your type of ‘upcycling’ project, or are you as appalled as me?
I have to admit I was interested to watch this project unfold until the end. And maybe that’s the whole point of it anyway, just to get some attention. What do you think?
Last Updated on July 21, 2021 by Kasia Galifi