Work should not feel like a prison. Sure, it can be challenging to manage stress and have a work-life balance , but the truth is, employees should feel free to take a deserved break whenever they feel like it. Of course, some may find it challenging to disconnect from their work – and this is especially true for folks who are connected 24/7 via mobile devices. Do you know what’s even worse than receiving work-related messages while on vacation? Not receiving any at all, which is what happened to one Reddit user who recently took a much-needed break and decided not to respond to emails. The outcome was not what they expected, as one colleague was unable to handle the responsibility of a client they were supposed to cover. The user described the situation, which led to the loss of the client, and asked whether or not they were in the wrong for not communicating while on vacation.
A well-deserved vacation, yet blamed for a lost client
Woman takes a break, yet still gets blamed for client loss
The boss blames her for losing a client, even though she had taken a much-needed vacation without allowing anyone access to her files
Woman takes a much-needed break, but gets blamed for losing a client anyway
She took a well-deserved break and still got blamed for a client’s loss
Coworker blames her for a lost client, but she had given them 8 days to collect the files AITA?
She deserved a vacation but got blamed for it
Going on a well-deserved vacation, a woman thought that her colleagues were prepared and ready for her absence. Unfortunately, a coworker failed to collect the necessary files from the woman and blamed her for the lost client. The woman contends that she is blameless as the coworker had 8 days and 12 hours a day to ask her for the files. Despite her argument, no one seems to care. Despite this unfortunate situation, it raises the question: is the woman in the wrong, or is she in the right? To answer this, let’s take a look at the comments and reactions.
When one employee holds the key
NTA: hits the fan when the supervisor fails to check-in
A supervisor gets blamed for losing a client over a misplaced file
YTA: ♀️ Vacation not properly planned?
Is the vacationer YTA or NTA?
Management *responsibility* failed ♀️
Boss tries to on subordinate ➡️ YTA ♀️
Supervisor takes vacation, ✔️️️️️loses client
YTA for not preparing ✋️
NTA Employee takes vacation, gets blamed for client loss
YTA ♀️ A supervisor takes a vacation and leaves her team hanging
Is OP to blame for the client loss?
Prior planning prevents problems
Boss takes a vacay without planning for the future and *a*****s the subordinate for it
YTA: Taking a vacation, losing a client
No one is invincible
YTA: supervisor’s responsibility ♀️
Vacation + lost client =
YTA: Vacation Blame Game
Was the file accessible?
♀️ OP is YTA for leaving a coworker unsupervised.
Everyone s***s here?
YTA: Supervisor Fails To Account For Vacation
Vacation gone wrong!
YTA: Supervisor’s responsibility!
Is the supervisor YTA or NTA?
YTA: Supervisor left files inaccessible
Vacation prep gone wrong ♀️
Supervisor takes a vacation and loses a client ✋
Should the coworker take more responsibility?
Was this file really that important?
Taking a vacation without backup
YTA: boss is to blame ♂️
Supervisor gets blamed
♀️ YTA for passing blame
Is supervisor role a with the devil?
Taking a well-deserved vacation?
Last Updated on February 28, 2023 by Azka