Being in a long-distance relationship can be a lot of hard work. Some people can do it, while others just simply cannot have that much space between them and their significant other.
Doing the whole “long-distance” thing takes a ton of patience and also a really good cell phone data plan for all those FaceTimes, calls, and texts. Overall, long-distance relationships require trust and a lot of love and commitment .
Not everyone is made for long-distance relationships.

Some people are not built to be in a long-distance relationship. Some cannot fathom being away from someone that they love for the majority of the time.
In addition, many feel they need physical touch in order to be with someone, and the whole “digital convo” won’t cut it for them overall.

Others feel like they can’t “trust” their partner due to the distance.
So obviously, if you don’t have enough trust, it’ll be hard to maintain the relationship.

You need to trust yourself and also trust your partner, too. You have to believe and know that they won’t “cheat on you” because you aren’t there to see constantly.
However, not everyone is so committed.

The whole “out of sight, out of mind” issue applies sometimes in long-distance relationships. In fact, many people say when they are doing the long-distance thing, they end up cheating or getting cheated on, because people feel like they are not “with someone” if they don’t see them often.
Regardless, cheating can be hurtful.

Despite not being physically there all of the time, cheating on someone can be incredibly hurtful and it’s wrong. If you know you can’t control yourself, you shouldn’t even attempt or try to be with someone, especially long-distance. Because you never know when it will blow up in your face.
Recently, one TikTok user proved this to be true when she went to visit her long-distance boyfriend.

TikTok user Mary Fatz shared a video that was supposed to be romantic and adorable. She originally came to her boyfriend’s college dorm to surprise him, as they were doing the whole long-distance thing while he was at school.
However, when she knocked on the door, it took a while.

No one answered the door, and, eventually, she realized why. Mary had traveled a pretty long way to see her boyfriend and when she got there, she realized that there was another girl in his room.
What an awful way to find out that you are being cheated on—especially when you traveled so far.

Many people on TikTok felt bad for Mary. After all, being cheated on is definitely one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship.
It’s hurtful and totally painful.

But, being cheated on after you had traveled a pretty long way to see someone and surprise them? That’s even worse.
But some people weren’t even interested in the cheating story.

Some were judging Mary for her attire. In the video, Mary rolled up in sweatpants and an oversized shirt, looking pretty comfy and casual.
But, some people said that she looked messy.

They even called her “bummy” and were wondering why she would show up dressed as she was to surprise her man that she hadn’t seen in a while. Many said, “no wonder he cheated on you.”
Other people online, however, said it shouldn’t matter how she dresses.

There were many who said that it should absolutely not matter how she dresses, because at the end of the day cheating is cheating.
This guy should have broken up with her if he knew he didn’t want to stay with her.

Cheating is wrong, sweatpants or not! Mary clapped back in the best way, though.
Mary clapped back at haters and showed how she really looks when she is all dressed up.

Clearly, she has no problem dressing up and “putting herself together,” as many called her out for. But, she didn’t think she had to dress up like that just to get her man’s attention.
He is definitely in the wrong.
Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle