A woman hosted a family dinner to announce her pregnancy but things went sour when her father-in-law demanded to be served first. When the woman offered to serve her injured father, he complained that she wasn’t serving him as well. The woman refused to serve him, telling him he could starve. While most of the family agreed with her, her own father thought she was disrespectful and should apologize. Do you think she was in the wrong? Share your thoughts below.
Navigating family dynamics during pregnancy announcement

Woman shuts down sexist FIL at family dinner

Daughter stands up to sexist FIL at family dinner

Woman’s kind gesture towards her dad sparks family drama. ️

Woman shuts down sexist FIL’s entitled behavior at family dinner

Woman stands up to sexist FIL, but AITA for response?

Woman stands up to sexist FIL at family dinner
A pregnant woman and her husband hosted a family dinner to share the good news with their loved ones. However, things took an unexpected turn when the woman’s father-in-law made sexist comments about women serving men at the table. The woman, who was sitting next to her father and sister, offered to serve her father’s plate because he has a damaged nerve in his right hand. When the father-in-law demanded to be served, the woman refused, causing him to storm out of the dinner. While her family supported her, she’s now questioning if her response was disrespectful. Read on to see what people are saying about her actions.
Woman stands up to entitled, sexist FIL at family dinner
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0f8385de-2505-406b-b4b8-35643946a186.png)
Woman stands up to sexist FIL at family dinner

NTA stands up to sexist FIL at dinner like a legend
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/29572700-96f6-4e30-9edb-2325980172cc.png)
Dad’s mixed signals vs. commenter’s kudos for ‘shiny spine’.

Dinner drama with a sexist FIL and a forgotten announcement

Setting boundaries with sexist FIL, supportive husband and MIL drama

Using baby talk on FIL?

Standing up to sexist FIL at family dinner, NTA wins.

Victory at dinner! Sexist FIL excluded, peace prevailed ️

Breaking tradition for sexist FIL at dinner

Commenter expected worse, but supports OP’s actions.

Standing up to sexist FIL Good on you!

Breaking tradition: A powerful message for gender equality ✊

Woman stands up to sexist FIL at family dinner. NTA.

Empathetic comment with helpful tips for a difficult situation.

Fighting back against sexist assumptions – you go girl!

Asserting authority in your own house. NTA wins

Taking a stand against entitled in-laws

DH’s responsibility to serve FIL, problem solved after insult. NTA.

Standing up against sexist FIL at dinner. NTA wins!

Stand up to sexist FIL at family dinner, NTA.

Epic clapback to sexist FIL, NTA x1,000,000

Empowering support for woman standing up to sexist FIL ✌

Empowering response to sexist behavior.

Agreeing with the commenter’s NTA and empathizing with them

Shutting down sexism: one family dinner at a time

Standing up to sexist FIL at family dinner. You go girl!

Standing up to a sexist FIL like a boss

Woman shuts down sexist FIL at family dinner

Empathetic comment supports woman standing up to sexist FIL

Standing up to sexist family members ♀️

Serve him baby portions for his baby behavior

Standing up to sexist behavior: A win for women

Woman shuts down sexist father-in-law at dinner. #GirlPower

Don’t give in to sexist relatives. You’re not the a**hole!

Woman confronts sexist FIL at family dinner. Not the a**hole.

Kindness is not an invitation for entitlement

Woman shuts down sexist FIL and gets deserved congratulations

Standing up to sexist FIL – NTA reigns supreme! ✊

Woman shuts down sexist FIL at family dinner

Setting boundaries with in-laws

Standing up to a sexist FIL like a boss!

Stand your ground against r**e in-laws. ♀️

Breaking the cycle of sexism in families.

Woman stands up to sexist FIL at family dinner

Setting boundaries with a misogynistic FIL at family dinner

Sassy response shuts down sexist FIL at family dinner

Woman shuts down entitled FIL at dinner, asks valid question

Setting boundaries with family – NTA wins the battle

Standing up to sexist FIL at family dinner, NTA wins

Woman shuts down sexist FIL at dinner

Setting boundaries with family

Standing up to bigotry – NTA wins family dinner

You owned the dinner table! NTA wins!

Standing up to sexist FIL: NTA shuts down megadouche

Stand your ground against sexist family members.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/48b068fa-847b-4456-b15c-ebe318f2954a.png)
Setting boundaries with family: bravery at its finest

Not the a****e for standing up to sexist FIL

Breaking etiquette and standing up to sexism.

Standing up to sexism at family dinner.

Standing up to sexist FIL, NTA.

Standing up to sexist in-laws like a boss!

Woman shuts down sexist FIL
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7effc0a2-6e42-42b7-b43b-d697219c22eb.png)
Standing up to sexism, not catering to mistreatment.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/703c0cfe-3357-4d4d-902f-32a7b2fb775a.png)
Standing up to entitled in-laws like a boss

Standing up to sexist FIL at family dinner, NTA wins.

Commenter’s harsh words receive no response

Empowered woman shuts down sexist FIL with grace and humor

Last Updated on March 30, 2023 by Azka