When faced with the bill at a Sonic restaurant, one New Mexico woman gave the most brazen excuse possible and told her server that her meal would be taken care of by “God” before fleeing the location without paying, the New York Post reported.
Delila Hernandez, 30, is now facing felony robbery charges for the incident.
Fast food can be a little expensive, especially considering you’re paying so much for just one meal.

That being said, if you can’t afford it, a good idea would be to just save everyone some time and steer clear of these restaurants altogether. However, Hernandez was determined to get her hands on some Sonic treats, even if she didn’t have the cash to back up her appetite.
She rode up to a Sonic Drive-In in Las Cruces on Monday on a bicycle and ordered some food from a server inside.

After preparing the food for the awaiting woman, the server reportedly asked her to pay for her meal, at which point she replied, “This one’s on God!”
Despite her insistence that the big guy upstairs would be footing the bill, Hernandez was repeatedly asked to pay actual money from her own pockets for her food.
When it became clear that she had no intention on paying, the server attempted to keep the food from her.
However, he told police that he feared for his safety when Hernandez made a move towards him and “allegedly threatened him.”
He offered up the food, which she grabbed before fleeing the scene on her bicycle.
After handing over the meal to Hernandez, the server called the police.

Cops found the woman sitting in a nearby park, enjoying her stolen meal. According to court documents, she told the officers that she knew taking the food without paying was wrong, and said she even hesitated eating it because she felt bad.
But, she said she indulged because she was “starving.”
Hernandez was arrested and charged with felony robbery, although authorities say the charges may be reduced.
In an interview with Las Cruces Sun News , a spokesperson for the District Attorney’s office, Roxanne Garcia-McElmell, said Hernandez will likely end up charged with a petty misdemeanor of under $250.
What will most likely happen is she will be ordered to pay back the restaurant in addition to a small fine.
h/t: New York Post
Last Updated on July 26, 2019 by Caitlyn Clancey