When a woman ‘s parents demanded a large sum of money for the care of her obese brother, she refused and told them that she would not care for him under any circumstances. Her brother’s weight has made it difficult for her parents to care for him, and they suggested that he move in with her and her husband. However, with a busy schedule and full-time jobs, they clarified that they could not be responsible for his care. The woman’s childhood was difficult due to her brother’s behavior and her parents’ excuses. Despite feeling guilty, she believes her brother’s care is her parents’ responsibility.
Surviving an abusive childhood with an overweight brother.
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Sibling guilt-tripping for candy, despite childhood trauma.
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Siblings’ rocky relationship highlighted with tragic backstory
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Siblings rivalry at its peak over birthday presents
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Surviving an abusive sibling: one woman’s story of escape
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Brother’s competitive eating turns into dangerous addiction, ruins family dynamic
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Sister’s life on hold due to obese brother’s constant care needs
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Family struggles to care for obese brother after hospitalization
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Parents ask for money to care for abusive and obese brother.
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Family suggests well-off sister take care of abusive obese brother
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Couple stands up against abusive family demands with firm no
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Sibling guilt-trips sister into caring for abusive obese brother.
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Woman stands up to abusive family, refuses to care for brother
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Cutting ties with abusive family member- AITA discussion
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Woman refuses to care for abusive, obese brother despite family pressure
Growing up with a difficult and abusive brother, this woman has endured years of torment and now faces pressure to care for him as he struggles with obesity. Despite her family’s pleas and demands for financial support, she remains firm in deciding not to enable her brother’s behavior or sacrifice her family’s well-being. In this emotional post, she shares her story and asks: Am I the a**hole? Read on for the reactions and opinions of others.
NTA for refusing to care for obese brother, enabling parents need therapy

NTA. Sibling abuse and parental neglect resulted in a tragic outcome

Engaging comment and replies discussing abusive parents and their role.

Sibling refuses to care for abusive obese brother, NTA

Empathizing with the brother but not responsible for his actions.

Comment section filled with disbelief and humor over fake post
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Siblings shouldn’t be forced to care for each other. NTA

Supportive comment with a humorous reply

Don’t enable an unhealthy lifestyle. Offer solutions instead!

Sibling abuse takes a toll. NTA for refusing care.

Setting boundaries in a toxic family. You’re not alone.

Savage yet practical response to toxic family dynamics.

Don’t let toxic family drag you down. ♀️

NTA. Teddy’s situation is a result of your parents’ coddling.

Not the a**hole for refusing to care for abusive brother

Agree or disagree? Share your thoughts!

Boundaries set. NTA for prioritizing self-care

Concerned commenter asks about brother’s health and perspective

NTA defends obese brother against bad parenting accusations.

Family enabling obesity leads to sibling conflict. NTA verdict.

Family neglects obese son, sister refuses to be caretaker. NTA

Support for sister refusing to care for abusive, obese brother.

Boundaries set. NTA.

Cutting off toxic family? NTA says commenter
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You’re not the a**hole for prioritizing your mental health ♀️

Setting boundaries with an obese, abusive brother. NTA

Family drama resolved- NTA OP can focus on own family

Can Dr. Now save the day on TLC?

Everyone agrees, she’s NTA

Clear-cut judgement.

Accusation of fake story and timeline inconsistencies.

NTA. Your brother’s not your problem. Your mom’s the AH.

Commenter compares abusive brother to Dudley Dursley

Setting boundaries with family is important for mental health

NTA for refusing to care for abusive, obese brother. Suggests intervention.

Curious about brother’s condition, but NTA for refusing care.

Curious about abuse timeline, but tread lightly with empathy

Enabling an obese family member? Not the a**hole.

“NTA. I’d be super petty and make a comment like ‘well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions coming back to haunt me’ and then hang up the phone and go NC.”

Compassionate solution to difficult family situation

Questioning the authenticity of a funny story

Standing up to entitled family with a resounding NTA

Commenter dismisses brother’s obesity, sparks no sympathy from readers

Questioning the validity of abuse claims against a preschooler

Support for refusing to enable abusive behavior towards sibling. ✊

Sibling refuses to care for abusive, obese brother. NTA

Weight loss ultimatum: Tough love or too harsh?

Encouraging weight loss?

Standing up to abuse.

NTA for refusing to care for abusive, obese brother. Cut ties.

No responsibility for abusive, entitled brother. Best to go no contact.

Mother of child with disabilities shares support for OP’s decision.

Commenter sympathizes with woman who refuses to care for abusive brother

Encouragement for refusing to care for abusive, obese brother.

Midwife explains why the umbilical cord excuse is BS

Sibling refuses to enable obese brother. NTA

NTA. Refusing to care for abusive, obese brother. Family’s problem.

No sympathy here. ♀️

Sibling not obligated to care for abusive, obese brother. NTA.
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Last Updated on April 2, 2023 by Alfe Mercado