Funerals are hard things to go through, and the stress of it all can really affect not only the person that has passed away but also the people they left behind. It’s a time to mourn, but it can also be a time when people show how they truly feel about each other. This woman online shared on Reddit how her in-laws thought that it was necessary to show how much they hated her by giving her an economy ticket for the funeral of her husband’s dad , while he got first class. She realized how much of a mistake it would have been to attend the funeral after this and wanted to know if she was wrong for listening to her gut and not going.
MIL’s passive-aggressive behavior has led to an awkward rift between f31 and her MIL

MIL gives husband a first-class ticket and wife an economy one, wife decides to go back home instead of attending funeral

Husband’s MIL treats him to first class, wife to economy leading to tense argument and wife missing funeral.

Woman refuses to attend funeral after MIL’s unexpected discrepancy in ticket service

Wife refuses to attend funeral after MIL gives unequal tickets to them, emphasizing her devotion to her husband.

Feeling humiliated, she refuses to attend her stepfather-in-law’s funeral after an unequal treatment. AITA?
When her husband F31 told her that his mother MIL had booked him a first-class ticket while she was given an economy one, she felt humiliated and refused to attend the funeral. Her husband, shocked by her decision, was livid and called her petty and spoiled. He said his mother didn’t owe her anything and called her cruel for making such a decision. She argued that his mother could have booked them both in the economy if money was an issue. Now, the question remains: Was she in the wrong for making this decision?
Is OP being too petty about tickets?

The comment and replies explore the sentiment that OP may have overreacted in refusing to attend the funeral of her stepfather-in-law after her mother-in-law gave her husband a first-class ticket and her an economy ticket. People debate if the seat issue was more important than supporting her husband in his time of grief.
A family spat between OP and MIL gets in the way of the husband’s support

The commenter has declared the OP (original poster) an a**hole (YTA) for not supporting their husband by attending his stepfather-in-law’s funeral, due to the MIL (mother-in-law) booking her an economy class seat and her husband a first-class one. Replies point out the MIL’s sly attempts to make the OP look bad, and that the OP should still support their husband, regardless of the MIL’s actions.
MIL wins conflict over funeral

The original poster expresses that the husband’s mother won the conflict by causing a fight and not letting the poster and her husband attend the funeral together. Another reply states that the mother-in-law could have waited to discuss her behavior, instead of standing her ground on the funeral upgrade issue.
MIL sabotages funeral⚔️YTA for taking bait

The commenter says the wife (YTA) fell for her mother-in-law’s ploy and damaged her relationship with her husband by refusing to attend his father’s funeral in response to being offered an economy-class ticket. Both commenters and replies agree that the wife should have put her husband’s needs first in this situation.
MIL takes no prisoners

The mother-in-law’s decision to give the husband a first-class ticket to his stepfather-in-law’s funeral, while only giving her daughter-in-law an economy ticket, is met with admiration and awe. Even if the daughter-in-law disagrees with her mother-in-law’s decision, she understands the motivation behind it and admits she has been outsmarted and defeated in this battle.
Making Funerals About Family Drama ♀️

The commenter finds the whole situation difficult and believes that Everyone S***s Here: both the MIL was petty and juvenile, and the husband and wife could not put aside their differences even at his father’s funeral. A reply agrees, saying that it’s wrong to put personal drama over a funeral.
A toxic MIL’s funeral drama ♀️

OP has refused to attend the funeral of her stepfather-in-law after her MIL gave her husband a first-class ticket and her an economy seat. The comment replies argue that OP’s MIL has been toxic, but there is no excuse for her abandoning her husband in such a difficult time. OP is urged to never undo this decision.
Long pattern of passive aggression or just a random hill to die on?

Commenters are debating whether the woman’s refusal to attend the funeral is due to a long pattern of passive aggression by the MIL or if it is just a random hill to die on. The comment replies discuss the difference in verdict depending on which is the case, and also mention that the post is not about seats on a plane or Iranian yogurt.
MIL takes an opportunity to slight OP, but OP loses the moral high ground.

The comment section of the article is in agreement that the MIL took an opportunity to slight the original poster (OP), but they also agree that although OP is rightfully angry at the MIL, they have lost the moral high ground and come off as the a**hole in the situation.
All sides considered

The comment argued that although the MIL’s actions were low, the woman should still have attended the funeral to support her husband, as it was the death of his father.
What should OP have done✋

The comment and replies debated the best course of action for OP to take, with some suggesting that OP should have gone and completely ignored her MIL’s misdeed and been the supportive, loving wife while others pointed out that OP’s behavior may have been a result of her MIL’s behavior being too much and that she had reached her breaking point.
MIL’s pettiness strikes!

The commenter openly condemned the MIL’s pettiness in the situation and opined that the original poster was in the wrong for making it about themselves instead of focusing on their husband’s loss of his dad.
Divided opinions

The comment expresses surprise at how divided the original post is, dividing opinions across different users. Some agree that it’s obvious who has experienced the death of a parent before and who hasn’t, while others praise the divided opinion as resembling a civil war, and loving it.
1000% ESH! Conflict between the wife and MIL

The original comment suggests that it would have been better if the wife had been more supportive of her husband despite the issue with the ticket, and talked with her husband about how to handle the MIL’s behavior when they get home. The wife must decide whether to stay or move on if her husband takes his mother’s side.
Woman refuses to attend funeral

The commenter believes that the woman was right to go against the grain to not attend her step father-in-law’s funeral when the MIL gave her husband a first-class ticket, while she got an economy one. The commenter noted that the MIL’s actions were wrong and this was not about the MIL, it was about the wife supporting her husband.
Family drama over funeral

The comment argues that the woman’s behavior was not nice, and the situation was not the right time to ‘pick a hill to die on.’ However, the comment acknowledges that the husband could have dealt with it better, due to his dad’s death.
NTA: No need to mistreat your partner

The comment suggests not to mistreat your partner no matter what and admonishes those who have been too quick to judge the OP. The replies further suggest that the OP should have been more compassionate towards her husband and supported him during his time of grief, despite the obvious attempts of mistreatment by the MIL.
A wife puts her husband first.

The comment is criticizing the wife for not supporting her husband as he rushes to attend his stepfather-in-law’s funeral. They argue that despite her dispute with her MIL, the wife should have put her husband first in this situation.
Ticket crisis at the : MIL vs S-I-L?

The comment questions the location of the ticket drama, with one reply suggesting the ticket difference was discovered at the airport. The situation escalated quickly between the MIL and S-I-L, resulting in the latter refusing to attend the funeral.
Everyone s***s here!

The MIL’s behavior is inexcusable and the husband has let her get away with it. The OP would rather sulk than be there for her husband’s father’s funeral, making everyone in this situation an a**hole.
A petty personal slight

In this comment, the author expresses their displeasure at the woman’s decision to skip her stepfather-in-law’s funeral as a result of her mother-in-law’s actions. They label the woman’s choice to make a decision based on a “petty personal slight” as ‘ESH’ (everyone s***s here).
YTA: Refusing free ticket to attend father-in-law’s funeral after MIL’s thoughtful gesture.

The comment implies that the original poster (OP) is at fault for refusing to attend her stepfather-in-law’s funeral after her mother-in-law (MIL) gave her husband a first-class ticket and her an economy ticket. The commenter said that the MIL might not have been able to afford two first-class tickets and that the OP is being selfish for expecting her MIL to pay for her plane ticket in general. A reply suggested that the MIL bought the OP a plane ticket out of her own pocket after her husband just died, therefore the OP should s**k it up.
The MIL’s disparity in ticket offers YTA or ESH?

The commenter expresses the opinion that the MIL was wrong for offering the husband a first-class ticket and the wife an economy one, but that the wife should have put her feelings aside and gone to support her husband during the difficult time – hashing out her grudge against the MIL after the funeral.
MIL’s ✈️ gift goes wrong ♀️

YTA, the MIL was wrong to give unequal tickets, but the person commenting still believes the OP should have gone to the funeral out of respect for her husband. In the replies, another person spares a thought for the lasting effects of the OP’s decision on her husband’s family. The overall sentiment is that the MIL’s gift and the OP’s reaction will have significant consequences.
Husband knew MIL would give him first-class ticket NTA

The comment’s writer is not the a**hole for being upset about being given an economy ticket while her husband was given a first-class one. The husband knew the plans beforehand but still didn’t give his own ticket to those in need. The comment replies agree that the issue is not with the mother-in-law but with the husband. Double-standard behavior is not acceptable.
Family should come first

The commenter asked why they should support someone who belittles them and calls them “spoiled and petty”. They argued that MIL and her husband set a standard of mistreatment, and therefore they are *not* required to be kind to those who are openly abusive to them. NTA.
Family drama MIL’s pettiness knows no bounds

Commenter expresses shock that MIL was being petty towards the commenter in the midst of her husband’s passing. Reply suggests MIL should prioritize her husband’s emotional needs and put her pettiness aside.
Familial relationships:

The commenter believes that the woman is an a**hole for not attending her stepfather-in-law’s funeral. They believe that although her mother-in-law made a wrong move, the woman should have put aside her differences for her husband’s father and gone to the funeral to support him.
Woman refuses to attend funeral

The comment is judgmental and says that the woman, by refusing to attend her stepfather-in-law’s funeral, has chosen to play into her MIL’s hands instead of being the bigger person, thereby abandoning her husband in his time of grief.
A difficult situation

The comment reflects that everyone is at fault in the situation – the MIL for treating the commenter poorly, the husband for not taking a flight with the commenter in economy class, and the commenter for throwing a tantrum instead of supporting her husband after his father’s death.
Sibling rivalry ✈️ ESH.

The comment says that the husband and wife are being immature in refusing to attend the funeral after the MIL gives the husband a first-class ticket and the wife an economy one. The reply suggests that it’s not actually about the comfort of the flight, but rather, the husband not caring that the MIL actively tries to hurt the wife by treating her disrespectfully.
NTA: MIL mistreated OP

The comment supports the original poster (OP) and says that their mother-in-law (MIL) mistreated them by deliberately buying them an economy-class ticket while buying their husband a first-class ticket. It also indicates that the relationship between the OP and their husband was strained, as he did not take any steps to ensure they were sitting together. This mistreatment was the breaking point after a history of mistreatment.
The MIL gave unequal tickets, but is the stepdaughter’s decision YTA or NAH?

The stepdaughter was given an unequal plane ticket from her MIL leading her to refuse to attend her stepfather-in-law’s funeral. The comment suggests that this is a YTA decision and implies that her MIL also acted inappropriately.
The commenter : NTA

The commenter thinks the woman is not the a**hole and adds that there is not much of a future for the woman and her husband in this marriage.
MIL wins, rift widens 🙁

The comment posits that by refusing to attend the funeral, the wife has allowed her mother-in-law to gain the upper hand and caused a rift between her and her husband.
♀️ Mil’s petty behavior leads to conflict.

The comment suggests that the MIL’s behavior was petty but the bigger a**hole is the woman who refused to attend her husband’s father’s funeral over this petty conflict. A reply adds that it wasn’t the right time and place to address such issues.
NTA. ♀️The MIL’s exclusionary gesture is telling.

The commenter is Not The A**hole and condemns the MIL’s exclusionary gesture of giving the husband a first-class ticket and her an economy ticket as an indication of her attempt to put the bride in her place. The husband not caring about the MIL’s unkindness and expecting the bride to abide by the social contract and accept the unfair treatment is also criticized.
Family tensions boil up

The commenter declares Everyone S***s Here and claims the mother-in-law was wrong for the ticket mix-up but suggests the original poster should have put her husband first at such a difficult time.
Husband’s mom makes a conscious decision to give worse seating to OP

In the midst of her grief, the husband’s mother took multiple steps to give the OP the worst possible seating while her husband was given the best possible seating. The commenter believes the OP is not the a****e in this situation.
Power move in the battle of MIL

The comment observes that though it’s a weird power move to refuse to attend the stepfather-in-law’s funeral, the poster is punishing their husband by refusing to support him in his time of need.
Families at war: ❗️,

A commenter shares an ESH sentiment about a MIL’s victory in a battle of wills by offering her son-in-law a first-class ticket while her daughter was stuck with an economy one. The commenter expresses understanding and disdain for the gesture and believes the husband would have sorted out the ticketing issue.
Toxic situations can poison everyone⁉️

The commenter gives their opinion on the given situation and suggests that the couple cut their losses and move on. They state that there is a time and place for arguments, and a funeral is not it and that both the couple and the MIL are guilty in this instance. Out of respect for the dead, the commenter suggests that the woman sucked it up, rather than making the issue about her and the MIL’s differences.
MIL gives husband better seat, comment suggests it’s time for everyone to come together.

Op’s husband’s dad has died and MIL gave her husband a better seat than op. Despite the situation, the comment suggests that it’s time for everyone to come together and be supportive of Op’s husband.

The commenter believes that the woman’s decision to not attend the funeral was taken in the heat of the moment and will have a lasting impact on her marriage. They suggest that she should start preparing for a legal battle to divide the assets and split her belongings in half.
Getting manipulated by MIL?

The comment states that although the stepfather-in-law’s funeral should be a priority, the MIL’s manipulation tactics should not be given in to. Everyone is deemed to be at fault in this case.
MIL digs at husband’s wife, PETTY AF

The commenter expresses their disapproval of the stepfather-in-law allowing his mom to pick at the wife while they were grieving. They also believed that he should have refunded the ticket and bought a seat in the economy instead. The commenter approved of the wife’s decision of not attending the funeral and concluded that the stepfather-in-law was Not The A**hole in the situation.
NTA— MIL vs. Wifey

The comment asserts that the MIL doesn’t respect the OP and is trying to drive a wedge between the married couple, judging by the fact that she bought the couple plane tickets in different classes. The comment goes on to say that the OP should not have attended the funeral, as she wouldn’t have been able to be the supportive wifey if she wasn’t even allowed to travel with her husband.
YTA: Taking a stand or being selfish?

The commenter put forth the opinion that the woman was wrong to refuse attending her stepfather-in-law’s funeral, as it was her husband’s loss and not about her or her MIL. They suggested that the woman should have paid to upgrade her ticket or sucked it up for the sake of her husband and dealt with her MIL later, instead of putting her hurt feelings in front of her husband’s loss when he needed her. According to the commenter, MIL is an a*hole too.
Everyone can agree— ♀️

Many people think that this situation is unacceptable, but the woman has chosen a very a**hole hill to stand on.
The MIL takes a swing, but YTA for playing petty games ♀️

The commenter claims that the MIL took a swing at the woman, but the commenter says the woman was in the wrong for playing petty games rather than supporting her husband who had just lost his father. According to the commenter, the woman is the a**hole (YTA).
Who’s in the wrong here?

This comment says that Everyone S***s Here as MIL, Husband, and the OP all have made mistakes. The OP is accused of purposefully skipping the funeral, as the title of the article is misleading and suggests otherwise.
A marriage gone wrong

The comment suggests a**hole-ish behavior by the husband, who knew what was going on with the tickets but chose to blame his wife for it. He gets called out for not being a good partner.
Pride vs. Grief:

The comment states that the woman is YTA for choosing not to go to her stepfather-in-law’s funeral because her MIL gave her husband a first-class ticket and she got an economy one. The comment further claims that the woman should have put aside her pride and supported her husband in a time of grieving, even if her MIL had done it out of malicious intent.
MIL gives hubby first-class Wife gets fed up

The commenter asked for information regarding the husband’s past relationship with the MIL, noting that, normally, they would consider the wife YTA (you’re the a**hole) for not attending the funeral, but that the husband’s past behavior might change the judgment. The wife got too fed up over the situation, indicating the husband had not been on her side in this issue.
Someone’s MIL won ♀️ ♀️

The OP’s MIL gave her husband a first-class ticket to attend his step-father -in-law’s funeral while she got an economy one. The comment suggests that even though the OP is not the a**hole, she has lost the war as her family can now say she was not there to support her husband in his time of need.
YTA – ✊ ️ Sticky Situation!

The comment argues that the woman is the a****e for wanting her husband’s stepfather-in-law’s funeral tickets to be upgraded from economy to first class. The commenter suggests that if this was the way the woman acted, she may have received a lesser ticket because of her attitude. Then it is then proposed that this would be a good time for the husband to move on from the woman.
Everyone *a*****s in this situation!

It looks like everyone has made some wrong decisions in this case – the MIL, the wife, and the husband. The commenter believes that they are all a**holes and should have made different decisions.
Family feud!

A comment expresses disappointment at the MIL, the woman, and her husband for engaging in a childish feud over seating arrangements for attending the Stepfather-In-Law’s funeral.
When supporting your husband comes first

The comment calls out the MIL and husband for their behavior but urges the OP to put her husband first and to have gone with him despite their dispute. OP should have chosen to be supportive of her husband in the difficult time of his father’s funeral.
Expectations vs Reality

Commenter expressed that there were no excuses for the MIL’s a**hole behavior, but at the same time, the woman should have sucked it up and supported her husband for just a couple of hours.
Battle between MIL and DIL continues

After the husband had passed away, the MIL gifted her son a first-class ticket and the DIL an economy one, leading the commenter to criticize the MIL for her behavior and the husband for enabling it. The commenter declared that the DIL was Not The A**hole in this situation.
Standing up for yourself

The commenter is torn on the situation, as the MIL has not treated the OP (original poster) kindly in the past. The OP decides to not attend the funeral after seeing the husband’s lack of empathy. The commenter believes NTA (not the a**hole) as attending may likely end up with the MIL making the OP feel worse due to her *grieving widow* status.
Last Updated on February 20, 2023 by Azka