When a woman found out her soon-to-be ex-husband was gay and had been cheating on her, she couldn’t forgive him for leading her on. However, the problem was his family. They are fundamentalist nutjobs, and his mother is the interfering MIL from h**l.
After cornering her about being childish and not forgiving her husband, the woman lost it and outed her ex-husband as gay to his mother. This led to a huge family drama, and he’s probably going to be disowned. The woman feels bad for him, but at the same time, she feels like he made his own bed.
Read on to find out more about this sad and hard situation .
Betrayed wife discovers husband is gay and wanted a ‘normal’ life

Escaping a meddling mother-in-law and homophobic family. ♀️

Ex-wife outs cheating ex-husband to stop mother-in-law’s meddling

Wife shares outrageous MIL advice leading to unexpected revelation

Woman shuts down interfering mother-in-law in epic clapback

Ex-wife outs ex-husband as gay to get rid of in-laws

Comments add more context to story about outing ex-husband

Ex-husband’s cousin came out and was shunned Mormon-style

Ex-wife outs husband as gay to escape meddling mother-in-law.

Update on woman outing ex-husband to deal with mother-in-law interference

Woman outs ex-husband as gay to shut up interfering MIL
After discovering her soon-to-be-ex-husband was gay and cheated on her, a woman faced her interfering mother-in-law who believed the divorce was caused by her lack of attractiveness. In a heated exchange, the woman made a comment she regrets, causing a huge family drama.
Her ex-husband is now being disowned but the woman feels she is not to blame for the outcome. The family is known for shunning members who do not follow their beliefs, so it is unlikely that the woman’s ex-husband will face any physical harm. However, his life has been turned upside down.
The woman shares that her ex-husband knew he was gay before they were married and had a boyfriend at the time. She was simply the first girl to show interest in him. What do you think of the woman’s actions in this situation ?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
NTA for outing ex-husband who used her as a beard.

Woman outs ex-husband’s lies and cheating, NTA for outing.

Ex-husband lies, cheats, and blames OP for divorce. NTA for outing.

Outing someone is never okay unless they’re hurting others

Outing ex-husband was justified for his deceitful behavior. ️

Outing someone out of spite is vile. Setting the record straight when you’re being slandered isn’t.

Ex-husband’s lies exposed by NTA, defends herself to mother-in-law

Changing opinions on outing someone’s sexuality after hearing OP’s story ❤️

Woman outs ex-husband as gay after he lied about sexuality.

Gay man confirms ex-husband lied and cheated. NTA for outing him.

Ex-husband’s past doesn’t excuse cheating and blaming, NTA

Betrayal isn’t excused by someone’s sexuality.

Woman outs ex-husband as gay after emotional abuse and cheating
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c454366c-6ca6-4de0-b8d8-9effa598a589.png)
Divorce blame game and interfering mother-in-law. Not the a**hole.

Commenter defends OP being called NTA, adds Star Wars reference
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/40bbeb7a-98b7-4573-ad3c-ed5521488ed9.png)
Respectful outing of ex-husband saves woman from harassment

Ex-husband cheated and manipulated her, NTA for outing him ️♀️

Support for exposing cheaters.

NTA for outing ex-husband’s sexuality, helped him in the end

Outing ex-husband as gay to escape homophobic in-laws. NTA.

Outing ex-husband as gay for revenge is not justified

Don’t blame the victim, NTA.

Speaking up about infidelity regardless of sexual orientation ️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/90f37d4f-ce11-47a0-ae4f-81a1fb2bc00e.png)
Ex-husband’s lies and interference led to NTA outing him

NTA, but ex-husband’s excuse for divorce? Major

Ex-husband lied, cheated, and threw OP under the bus. NTA

Outing a cheating ex-husband – NTA. Deserves no respect ️

Cheating ex-husband, toxic MIL, NTA – a justifiable outing

Ex-husband wasn’t ready to be honest. You’re NTA

Supportive comment section offers closure and hope for next chapter

Commenter supports OP’s decision to file for annulment/divorce.

Protect yourself: Check for STDs after messy breakups

Ex-husband used her and doesn’t get to make her his secret-keeper. NTA

Outing ex-husband as gay to stop in-laws’ attacks – NTA.

Ex-husband blamed her, but she’s NTA for revealing truth
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/14f9b2dc-cffd-4be3-86de-d849348bcba8.png)
Ex-husband gets a taste of his own medicine ☕ NTA

Outing him was justified, you’re NTA in this situation.

Woman outs ex-husband as gay to get MIL off her back, NTA

NTA for being unknowingly used as a beard

Taking a stand and setting boundaries.

Woman outs ex as gay to deal with meddling mother-in-law
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/841ba849-c56c-44f0-a5be-708492a41e3a.png)
NTA for outing ex-husband as gay after cheating.

NTA times a million for outing cheating ex-husband as gay

Woman outs ex-husband as gay to shut nosy MIL

Ex-husband used her as an excuse for the failure of marriage.

You go girl! Outing your ex-husband to his mom was deserved.

Woman hilariously shuts down ex-husband’s drama and seeks justice

NTA stands up for herself and her ex-husband’s actions.

Ex-husband lied about divorce, got what he deserved

Outing ex-husband as gay to silence meddling mother-in-law.

Honesty is the best policy! NTA for standing up for yourself.

Ex-husband lies and cheats, interfering mother-in-law gets involved. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2090ddea-63e1-4915-be67-fa27bb29152a.png)
Bi woman supports ex-wife’s decision to out manipulative husband as gay

Honesty is the best policy!

Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Chifundo