It could have been a simple misunderstanding, but sometimes the facts don’t lie. This woman trusted her fiancé with her whole heart and soul, but things took a turn for the worse. She wanted to know what was going on, so she snooped through his phone. What she found was his conversations with her sister. Now she is left without her fiancé and without her family.
A woman discovers her sister is pregnant with her ex’s baby — the shocking outcome

24f’s idyllic relationship with her first love is shattered when she miscarries her baby with her ex fiancé. The story takes a shocking twist…

A shocking development leaves one woman crushed and her relationship in jeopardy.

A year of healing and therapy leads to a shocking discovery.

After rekindling their relationship, the couple struggles with underlying issues and an unexpected surprise.

Sister’s shocking secret revealed after snooping through ex’s phone

Sister discovers ex’s baby news – shocking consequences!

Drama ensues when a woman finds out her sister is pregnant with her ex’s baby and her parents knew about it.

An emotional confrontation unfolds at the family gathering as the sister reveals her pregnancy with the protagonist’s ex

Amidst shocking news, emotions run high and a difficult decision must be made…

A sister discovers her ex is the father of her sister’s baby – a shocking revelation!

My sister called with a shocking surprise – the joke was on me!

Woman’s sister demands her to return her ex’s ring and accuses her of not being happy for her.

She apologizes for ruining her party and decides to end her relationship with her sister before turning to a bottle for comfort.

After a devastating miscarriage, the last thing she expected was her sister’s shocking pregnancy . What happened next?
Throwaway account and please don’t repost anywhere else. After a devastating miscarriage at the age of 20, the author’s world was thrown into chaos. Her ex-fiancé was her first love, and the couple had dreamed of starting a family early. Unfortunately, their relationship strained under the weight of their grief and sadness, and the author’s d********n worsened. After a year apart, the couple decided to get back together, but the relationship wasn’t the same. The author eventually discovered her sister was pregnant with her ex-fiancé’s baby. In a fit of rage, she drunkenly confronted her family and friends at the party they were throwing for the couple’s wedding. The author now regrets her actions, and her sister has demanded she return the engagement ring. This story leaves us with a lot of questions. How will the author move forward? What will be the consequences of her outburst? Will the sister and ex-fiancé be able to move on? Let’s take a look at the comments and reactions to this story for some answers.
OP barged in on her ex and sister

OP shares that their ex and sister got together, and that they barged in on them at a party, screaming. Replies agree that NTA, OP did not have veto power over the relationship, but deserved better from the uncaring family. OP is now getting therapy to help deal with the situation.
Sister steals ex and says something shocking

OP’s sister steals her ex and then tells her that “my baby died for a reason so she could get her happy ending.” OP’s sister had been there for her during the miscarriage, making this statement even more heartbreaking. Replies agree that this is evil and that OP is NTA. OP’s family doesn’t deserve her.
Sister said WHAT?!
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NTA, the commenter is outraged by the sister’s suggestion that maybe their baby died so she could have a happy ending. Replies range from shock and disbelief to anger and a desire for revenge, with some even suggesting to object to the sister’s wedding ceremony.
The nerve of
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The comment’s sentiment is NTA (not the a**hole) and the comment states that the second OP’s sister said this line, it became impossible for OP to be an a**hole. The replies also show anger that OP felt the need to apologize and suggest that OP should give back the ring to the two losers who deserved each other.
NTA Hero of the day!

“NTA i hope this is real because you’re my hero” The commenter hopes this situation is real so that they can be the hero of the day. One reply says “Haha I’ve never been called a hero before” while the other reply appreciates the commenter for standing up for themselves, calling their sister an a**hole for her comment and their ex “NOT a good person”.
What a toxic nightmare!

The comment and replies suggest that the family in the article is a toxic nightmare. The comment acknowledges the insensitive and A****e behavior of the sister, ex, and parents, but also notes the OP’s stupid and AH behavior in storming the castle in a rage. Replies debate whether OP’s behavior is justified or AH, but overall suggest that the family is in a ESH situation.
Get away and build a new life!

The commenter suggests NTA (not the a**hole) and encourages the original poster to look after their mental health and get professional counseling. They also advise to get away from their family and find a new ‘family’ who will be loving and supportive. A reply suggests selling a ring and using the money for a plane ticket to build a new life somewhere far away.
A shocking family betrayal

The commenter believes that the poster’s ex and sister’s actions are wrong and deems them NTA. They suggest that the poster should not attend the wedding and cut contact with the family for a while. They also advise the poster to seek therapy to help them deal with the situation.
NTA: ✊ Ex dating a sibling & not telling you? ♀️

The comment suggests ‘NTA’ (not the a**hole) and explains why: ex dating a sibling without informing the poster, saying the poster’s miscarriage was part of their plan, and throwing a party without ironing everything out with the poster. The comment replies agree, adding that the poster feels awful about barging in.
Sister’s shocking revelation
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The commenter expressed hope that the author finds healing in the wake of their sister’s shocking revelation that their baby’s death enabled her to find her own ‘happy ending.’ The reply was incredulous, wondering how the author’s sister could say such a thing to someone she loves.
Family betrayal

NTA: the family and friends who kept the secret relationship between the sister and ex-fiancee have betrayed the commenter. The commenter should minimize or cut-off contact with the family and drop the group of friends in the know. The commenter’s outburst is understandable, and they feel regret for it, but it is not their problem if it ruins the wedding prospects of the family.
YTA: OP’s behavior is over the top

OP’s behavior of crashing the party, giving a “f**k you” speech and making her sister cry is completely over the top and out of line. Replies agree that OP is the a**hole, and suggest cutting her family out of her life and getting help to heal.
A shocking outcome

The commenter was not the a**hole (NTA), and finds comfort in the fact that the marriage between the sister and the ex is likely to be difficult. A reply added that the marriage will not be based on love, which is likely to make it even worse.
NTA! They got what was coming to them

The commenter deems the behavior of the parties involved as vile and believes they deserved the consequences. The reply suggests that when they inevitably divorce, the original poster of the comment can take pleasure in it.
Don’t return the ring

Commenter suggested not to return the ring and instead use it to pay for therapy or buy something for themselves. Replies agreed with the comment and suggested using the ring to go on a vacation as an escape from the toxic family. NTA for all.
A ESH ♂️

Comment discusses the various degrees of wrong-doing between the ex, sister, family, and OP, ultimately concluding that all of them ‘s**k’ in some form or another. Replies discuss the drunken fiasco, and the need for OP to seek proper help.
Shocking revelation: a sister’s baby!

The comment acknowledges that the original poster acted poorly, but also acknowledges that their anger was justified given the level of drama, deceit and toxicity in the situation; a reply adds that the response was tame in comparison to what the group deserved.
NTA: It’s Time to Go

The comment suggests that the poster should go no contact with their family since they are not understanding the situation that their ex has apparently cheated on them with their sister, and no one cares.
Sister takes advantage
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Commenter suggests that the sister took advantage of the ex-boyfriend’s vulnerable state and crossed boundaries. They also suggest that she didn’t think it through and got everything she wanted. A reply suggests that the sister may have been jealous or l*****g after the ex-boyfriend and saw the opportunity to take advantage.
Sisterly drama

The comment acknowledges that the original poster (OP) was in the wrong for getting drunk and making a scene at her ex’s wedding, but argues that the sister was also an a**hole for her comment about the OP’s miscarriage. The replies agree that the OP was wrong, but also point out the similarities to the Ross from Friends argument.
When family drama goes too far

The commenter believes that although the original poster (OP) should not have had an outburst, their sister and ex have been the a*****s for months. The commenter sympathizes with the OP’s loss of a baby.
Sister steals fiancé and sends invite

The commenter suggests that the sister deserves no happy ending for stealing their fiancé while they were trying to process a miscarriage. A reply suggests that karma will have its way with her.
A shocking situation

The commenter expressed sympathy and concluded that the original poster (OP) was not the a**hole in this situation.
NTA for reacting but YTA for airing grievances

The commenter is not the a**hole for reacting to the situation but is the a**hole for airing their grievances in a public place. They also mentioned that their family is ‘awful’. One reply noted that the subreddit is ‘so f–ked it’s almost funny’.
A heart-wrenching story of betrayal

The commenter evaluates the situation and concludes that the sister and ex-boyfriend have betrayed the OP. They suggest that the OP should keep the ring to sell it, love themselves, and move on, as they deserve better people in their life.
Family drama

The commenter deems the situation NTA (not the a**hole) and expresses shock at the family’s actions.

The commenter believes that the OP is not the a**hole for their reaction to the news, as their sister and ex-partner have committed a ‘horrendous betrayal’. They encourage the OP to throw away any guilt they may feel and hope they find relief in confronting these ‘horrible people’.
NTA but your family is
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The comment says that the commenter is not the a**hole, but that the family and the ex are. They suggest that it is suspicious that the ex would date the commenter’s sister out of all the women in the world, and advise that even if the commenter decides to keep them in their life, they should maintain some distance, especially from their sister.
NTA: A shocking betrayal

The comment is in agreement with the commenter that the sister’s behavior is mean and unacceptable. The reply to the comment backs up this sentiment, saying that the sister has low self-esteem and is okay with being a second choice forever.
Sell the ring and ️ away!

The comment suggests that the original poster should sell her engagement ring and use the money to book a vacation during her ex’s wedding week. The comment also implies that it is okay to be ‘bitter and p****d’ in this situation. The sentiment of the comment is NTA (not the a**hole).
Betrayal by family

The comment describes a situation of betrayal and toxicity, with the commenter deeming the sister as the worst a**hole. The commenter suggests going no or very low contact with them for a while and acknowledges the strength and fortitude of the person in the comment, but also that it wasn’t the best way to handle the situation. They wish the best in healing and moving on.
Got caught snooping

The comment states that both the sister and the OP are guilty of wrong-doing and suggests that ESH. The comment also mentions that NTA but snooping is not ok. One reply was deleted.
Making bad choices ♀️

The comment acknowledges everyone’s ‘sucky’ choices and encourages the person to keep their therapist close. They recommend not returning the engagement ring, but selling it and going on a nice vacation instead. “No a****e here”.

The commenter believes the original poster was justified in their reaction to the situation, and that they did not act as the a**hole in this scenario.
Don’t mail back the !

Commenter suggests not to mail back the ring and sell it instead. An inspiring idea to do something for oneself with it.
Sister sleeping with your ex?

The original poster is angry that their sister is sleeping with the love of their life. They’re Not The A**hole and they suggest that they all show up to deliver a “f**k you” speech. One reply suggests they show up to the wedding pregnant and claim it’s the ex’s.
Sister gets revenge on ex

Commenter says the sister is not the a**hole and that she deserved the outcome of the situation. No replies found.
Hurting, but no right to act out

The commenter acknowledges the ESH situation and the right of the original poster to feel hurt and indignant. However, they emphasize that it is not appropriate to go to their celebration drunk and make it all about themselves. The commenter suggests that maybe the sister and ex were trying to figure out the best way to tell the original poster, and questions their description of the events. They apologize for the pain the poster is feeling and emphasize that destroying relationships in a fit of anger will not help them in the long run.
NTA and girl

The comment advises the woman to p**n her ex’s ring instead of giving it back to her sister, as it would not give her sister any satisfaction.
NTA for not slashing tires?

The commenter states ‘you didn’t even slash any tires NTA’, implying the situation is not the commenter’s fault and they did not act with aggression.
Family betrayal and an unexpected wedding invite. What would you do?
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The comment expresses outrage towards the OP’s family and ex for their betrayal, questioning what would have happened if the OP hadn’t found out. The wedding invite is seen as salt in the wound and props are given to the OP for confronting the family about their a****e behavior.
NTA, family drama

The comment suggests that the family is toxic and that the protagonist’s decision to get drunk and crash the party was not the best choice.
NTA. His ex is pregnant and he cut her off for you.

The commenter is not the a**hole in this situation. They think the sister is mad that when the ex had a choice, he chose the commenter instead. He doesn’t care about his ex and she will never live up to the commenter in his mind, so they’ll both be miserable.
A shocking situation

The commenter finds the situation shocking and beliefs that the parties involved deserved what was said. No replies were found.
A drastic solution

The commenter suggests selling the engagement ring to make some money, as a drastic solution for the situation where her sister is pregnant with her ex’s baby.
OP’s family’s betrayal

OP experiences betrayal from their family when they find out their sister and ex-fiancé are expecting a baby. They’re not the a**hole – the rest of their family is for keeping it from them and blaming OP instead.
What happens next?

The commenter suggests the original poster (OP) to seek help and go “no contact” with the whole situation. They also suggest the OP to resist the urge if the ex comes “a calling” once the baby is born.
NTA: Your sister’s shocking words

Commenter declares that the original poster (OP) is not the a**hole (NTA), and that their sister’s words were shocking. Commenter then encourages the OP to take a step back from everyone and focus on healing.
Last Updated on February 28, 2023 by Alfe Mercado