Grateful for support, emotional day for woman insulted by husband

Standing up for myself made me realize my own mistakes

Couple’s petty disagreement spirals into a self-righteous rage

Resentment over years of bottled feelings about husband’s comment.

Grateful for input, processing emotions after difficult argument with spouse.

When being a homemaker becomes an insult…

Gender roles causing tension in marriage over income disparity

Gender roles clash in household chores during pandemic

Overworked wife tolerates husband’s laziness but reaches breaking point.

When a husband’s outdated views infuriate a working wife.

She’s a breadwinner and a housewife? You go girl!

Furious wife challenges husband’s outdated views on gender roles

Standoff with husband over household chores

Wife stands up to lazy husband, locks up PS5

Wife questions gender roles and faces backlash from husband.

When a husband calls his wife a homemaker and belittles her work
When a woman’s husband calls her a homemaker and belittles her work, she feels hurt and angry. After years of feeling like their relationship was unequal , she finally exploded in self-righteous rage. The couple had the biggest screaming match in their lives, and she locked up his PS5 in their safe and changed the combination. Despite feeling like an a**hole for reacting so strongly, she knows she was right to stand up for herself, and she’s ready to have a long talk with her husband to decide how they want to proceed. In this post, she shares her story and asks for advice: Am I an AH?
NTA for asserting herself, but communication and counseling needed.

NTA for being upset after being called a homemaker + breadwinner.

Savage comeback wins the internet.

Commenter struggles to leave husband despite mistreatment and incompatibility
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NTA suggests getting a post-nup and divorce if needed

Commenter sympathizes with NTA’s situation ☹️

Standing up against sexism in marriage

Commenter calls out husband, gets hilarious reactions

Addressing underlying issues is key for a healthy relationship

Suggests malicious compliance for husband who called her a homemaker

OP deserves better than being called a homemaker.

Stand up against misogyny! You’re not a homemaker slave.

ESH but husband was crazy disrespectful. OP’s reaction problematic.

Stand your ground! Don’t let him belittle you.

Respect for homemaker work lacking, counseling or divorce needed

Empowered woman stands up to outdated gender roles with PS5 punishment
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Woman earns most money and does all housework, husband calls her homemaker. NTA.

NTA woman receives support after husband’s sexist insult and laziness.
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Avoiding toxic men 101: Childhood trauma, narcissist mothers, low self-esteem.

Empowering response to husband’s belittling, celebrates woman’s achievements

You go, girl! NTA and put him in his place.

Sharing chores is reasonable. NTA for bringing up income disparity.

NTA calls out delusional husband’s outdated views on gender roles

A husband who disregards fairness & equality, a marriage doomed

NTA for standing up to husband’s lack of contribution

Spouse’s unreasonable expectations cause household tension.

Stay-at-home dad supports woman’s clapback at husband

Counseling ASAP! This marriage needs some serious help

Cheering for a Not the A****e (NTA) victory

Empowerment time! Leave the trash and find someone who appreciates you ❤️

Partner insulted OP, but has to be a homemaker now

Embrace the homemaker role and stop financially contributing

Empowerment emoji: You don’t need a man to thrive!
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Standing up for yourself and your worth #NTA

Empowered woman stands up for herself and demands equality at home. #NTA

Woman stands up for herself as breadwinner, called ‘savage’.

NTA. OP deserves better. Suggestions for marriage counseling.

Empowering response to being called a homemaker

Sassy suggestion for male ego and housekeeping arrangement! ♀️

Wife stands up to husband’s unfair expectations, threatens PS5 confiscation

Breaking gender roles can be challenging, but NTA for trying.

This 45-year-old is a big fan of the OP!

NTA but counseling may have helped avoid this nuclear reaction

Questioning the value of a relationship with no benefits

Empowering support for woman standing up to disrespectful husband

Empowering response to husband’s sexist remark.

Breaking gender roles and being NTA like

NTA. Drop him and find someone who respects you

Dump him and get a therapist. Sexism is a relationship ender.

Fair division of household chores in a marriage ✌️

Partner not pulling their weight? Kick his a** to the curb

Spouse calls her a homemaker, but what does he bring? ♀️

Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Azka