Family is a fickle thing. You always want your relatives to help you out of a tight spot, but you don’t always want to help them with things they might need. It’s all about give and take, and finding that balance between doing what you can for them and not going completely out of your way.
One woman recently shared her story on Reddit , describing how her brother and his wife took her and her daughter in after a divorce. When the daughter refused to change her cousin’s diaper, a fight broke out between herself and the woman’s brother. The woman yelled at her brother for it and is now asking AITA if she was wrong .
Using A Throwaway Account, The User Posted Her Story

It All Started When OP And Her Daughter Moved In

The brother took OP and the 18-year-old daughter in because OP and her ex had divorced. The brother and his wife have a daughter of their own, who is just 9 months old.
One day, the wife was out for work, and the brother was in a WFH meeting. He had been watching over his daughter using a baby monitor when he noticed that the baby needed a diaper change. Since OP was out and the daughter was still home, he asked the daughter if she could change the baby’s diaper. The daughter refused, stating that she was uncomfortable around babies. The brother ended up having to take care of it and got kicked out of his meeting. OP came home to the brother yelling at her daughter over it.
OP then yelled at her brother, who was angry at how ungrateful OP and her daughter were acting. He told them they had two weeks to find somewhere else to live. Now, OP is wondering who was in the wrong.
Redditors Couldn’t Come To A Conclusion

Some felt that OP and her daughter should’ve been more grateful for the brother’s help, and more receptive to helping him when he needed it.
Others Felt That The Brother Crossed A Line

While the brother doesn’t have to let OP and her daughter live with them, he also shouldn’t have been yelling at the daughter for whatever reason. In addition, commenters felt that it was weird that the dad was trying to work and look after a baby at the same time.
Others Believed That Everyone Was In The Wrong

Some also believed that no one was in the wrong. It just seems like a bad situation for everyone involved. Though most could not agree on who was truly at fault in this situation, many agreed that the brother is not at fault for wanting OP and her daughter to move out.
Last Updated on December 7, 2022 by Ashley Hunte