It’s hard to say whether people cheat more in the age of social media and cell phones or whether we just hear about it more. Regardless, it’s always a tough scene.
Mind you, things get better on the other side.
You know, when everything has finally come to light and you can move on.
Just look at Jordan McNelly, who’s free and clear, all for the better, after his now-ex did something staggeringly dumb.
Jordan had been putting in long hours at work, saving up to take his girlfriend Zoe on a nice getaway.

Which is a really nice gesture and lots of people would love to have a significant other like him.
His totally sweet gesture backfired on him, however.
Zoe got tired of Jordan always being at work and made other plans. With other men.
See, while Jordan was working his b**t off, Zoe was chatting with some other dude.
When Jordan switched one of his shifts at work, it threw a monkey wrench into her plans with the rando.
In her desperation, Zoe texted a friend to vent.
And considering that her message made it seem like this friend had no knowledge of the affair, they were certainly in for some surprises.
For Zoe, the dilemma wasn’t as easy as cancelling with the other guy.

She said she didn’t want to let him down because when she explained the situation to him, his response was apparently, “I knew you wouldn’t come.”
This seemed to compound the guilt she felt when it came to both men involved.

She also mentioned waxing “her entire body” for this meetup, which now seemed like a wasted effort.
The extent of her message can be seen here.

Up to and including details of her body hair situation.
But the problem was that Zoe’s text didn’t go to her friend.
She sent it to Jordan.
That’s right out of a terrible rom-com. These things don’t even happen in real life, do they?
Well, this time, they did.
Can you believe this girl?
How insensitive of Jordan to mess with her plans, right? Ugh.
Don’t imagine that Jordan didn’t get back at her, though.
It must have hit Jordan right in the gut to see that text come through.
Zoe tried to explain it away as a “dream,” but Jordan isn’t an idiot. He’s a nice guy who was just betrayed.
Really, Zoe? A dream? Please.
But when Jordan got his revenge, he got the ultimate revenge.
He decided to tweet Zoe’s message and share it with the world.

And boy, did the world share! Folks from across the globe shared it around and sent messages telling him he’s better off.
No word on what Zoe did afterward, but if nothing else, she’ll look more closely at who she’s texting in the future.

And it seems like Jordan doesn’t wish her any kind of ill will, which is nice to see. Spread those wings and fly, Jordan!
Last Updated on January 31, 2025 by Zeal Kinkhabwala