Wolverine isn’t like most mutants. Unlike Charles Xavier or Jean Grey, Wolverine can’t hide or contain his gift from the world. His ability isn’t contained in the fabric of his mind, but rather his adamantium claws are a part of his genetic makeup.
Being that this is the case, it seems logical that Logan would develop a special relationship with his claws — perhaps even give them a nickname. And maybe, just maybe, that nickname is so apropos that it makes even the smart-alec motor mouth, Deadpool, giggle with delight.
You Don’t Have To Be An X-Men Expert To Understand That Humor And Wolverine Don’t Normally Mix.
Just as his name suggests, Wolverine has always been a bit of a lone wolf (a poor choice of anthropomorphic metaphor, but you get the idea). He’s contained, stoic, and seldom one to add levity or comic relief to any situation he happens to find himself in. Wolverine prides himself on a job well done and instead prefers to let his Adamantium claws do the talking for him.
However, That’s Not To Say That Logan Is Wholly Without Wit.

Back in 2010, Wolverine teamed up with his least favorite antihero, Deadpool, for the black ops crossover book, Uncanny X-Force 5.1 . Written by the revered Rick Remender and illustrated by the one and only Rafael Albuquerque, Uncanny X-Force 5.1 was a force to be reckoned with. In it, Wolverine and the fast-talking mercenary do battle against the likes of Apocalypse, Daken’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, as well as an army of Deathlok cyborgs. But arguably the book’s most memorable moment came when Wolverine went claw-to-claw with Lady Deathstrike and her Reavers.
While Lady Deathstrike Sits Plotting Her Next Steps Against The Mutant Nation Of Utopia, Wolverine and Psylocke Seek Out Their Opportunity For Revenge.

After Wolverine, Deadpool, and Fantomex corner Skullbuster in an effort to discover the Reavers’ plans, Logan unleashes an uncharacteristically witty remark that’s so good even Deadpool can’t help but nod in agreement.
“You remember my ‘ Three Sisters of Doom ‘?” Logan asks menacingly with his claws extended.
“Them dames got incisive tongues,” Deadpool snickers in reply.
It may seem subtle at first, but this panel marks one of the only times in Marvel Comics history wherein Deadpool and Wolverine are not only on the same page but they’re actually playing off one another.
The Name, “Three Sisters Of Doom,” Is An Apt One With Plenty Of Implications.
“Three Sisters of Doom” may refer to several key figures in the history of literature and western civilization. “The Weird Sisters” or “The Kindly Ones” are at the center of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman universe and they also feature prominently in the writings of William Shakespeare. It’s also completely possible that Remender just needed to come up with something cool and wasn’t attempting to make any historical allusion whatsoever. But whatever the case may be, it’s nice to know that a lighter side of Logan exists — even if we seldom get to see it.
Last Updated on November 23, 2022 by Jordan Claes