There are so many situations where you wish you could just easily pour yourself a glass, or a few, of wine inconspicuously. Your kid’s sports games, after work waiting for the bus, at a movie — honestly, anywhere and anytime is wine o’ clock.
What if I told you that there is in fact a contraption that will grant all your wine wishes?
Amazon is selling this genius invention.

The PortoVino City Wine Tote is more than just a functional bag for your water bottle, wallet, and a million receipts — it also holds wine.
But it gets better.

It doesn’t simply hold and chill one bottle of wine, it holds and chills two — 1.5L in total.
There’s plenty of room to pack a few glasses, but you don’t really need one.
It’s just a giant thermos, anyways.
You might have people flock around you like seagulls with french fries.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
And when people ask you what you’re pouring there, you simply pull a Karen.
However, you really could fill it with juice if you wanted to. Any beverage will do!
At the end of the day, no one will have any idea you’re carrying liquid gold right over your shoulder.

Each tote runs for $44.95 and comes in seven different stylish colors, making it super discreet.
This is a great gift for all your of-age friends and family, and of course, yourself.

Thank me later.
Last Updated on April 1, 2021 by Olivia Nazarewich