Picture this: your husband’s friend had a courthouse wedding last year, and they’re planning a postponed bachelor party in Vegas. Your husband is thrilled at the idea, especially since his friend is covering the villa suite expenses. But there’s a catch – you have a 3-year-old and a 6-week newborn at home. Would you let your husband go? One wife found herself in this exact situation and decided to put her foot down, refusing to let her husband go on the trip. But is she the bad guy? Let’s find out…
The Backstory: Courthouse Wedding ️
The Plan: Postponed Bachelor Party
The Destination: Vegas, Baby!
The Offer: Villa Suite Covered
The Excitement: Husband’s Dream Trip
The Problem: Two Young Kids at Home
The Wife’s Stance: No Vegas for Hubby
The Struggle: Handling Kids Alone
The Offer: Husband’s Mom to Help?
The Wife’s Argument: Priorities and Finances
The Tension: Husband Keeps Trying
The Snap: Wife Loses Patience
The Argument: Family vs. Vegas
The Aftermath: Husband Gives In, But…
The Question: Is the Wife the Bad Guy?
Wife Stands Firm: No Vegas Trip for Husband
So, this wife found herself in a tricky situation: her husband was excited about a Vegas trip with his friends, but she needed his help at home with their two young kids. Despite his attempts to convince her, she stood her ground and refused to let him go. Now, her husband is barely talking to her, and she’s left wondering if she’s the bad guy in this situation. What do you think? Let’s dive into some of the top reactions from people online…
NTA. Husband being selfish and unreasonable, leaving wife with two kids.
Couples counseling needed, not Reddit’s approval.
Single parent urges reconsideration, while others suggest taking turns for short getaways.
Newborns are hard work and the baby’s needs come first. NTA.
Commenter leans towards YTA, replies suggest wife is controlling
Support for NTA comment defending wife’s decision to prioritize family.
Wife forbids husband’s Vegas trip, is she controlling? YTA says commenter.
Commenter raises valid COVID concerns for husband’s Vegas trip
NTA for expecting help during chaotic early weeks of parenting.
Parenting a newborn and a toddler alone for 3 nights? NTA
Newborn and toddler? Vegas can wait. #NTA
New mom gets YTA judgment for wanting husband to skip Vegas.
Putting family first and considering finances. NTA
Insensitive comment about postpartum recovery gets shut down by replies
New mom expresses concern over husband’s Vegas trip with newborn.
Husband wants Vegas trip during pandemic with newborn, wife says no. ESH.
Fair point. Role reversal can help understand each other’s perspective.
New mom with toddler and trauma recovery says NTA. Husband inconsiderate.
Curious Redditor asks for trip duration in neutral tone.
Spouse cancels Vegas trip amidst virus and money concerns
New mom defends decision to not let husband go to Vegas
Husband wants to leave wife with baby and toddler. NTA!!
Couple in disagreement over Vegas trip, both have valid points
Communication breakdown and financial concerns lead to ESH judgment. ♀️
Mom shares relatable experience of husband’s boys trip dilemma
Wife threatens to leave husband after Vegas trip.
Newborn + tight finances = no Vegas trip. NTA.
Assertive and sensible wife stops husband’s pandemic Vegas trip.
Commenter calls out husband’s bad decision during pandemic.
Parenting over partying: Redditors weigh in on Vegas trip
Husband acting like a 3yo? NTA wife puts foot down
New dad wants Vegas trip, commenter says NTA for refusing.
Parenting is a team effort , NTA for wanting help.
Commenter defends NTA stance with disbelief at opposition
Debate over husband’s Vegas trip with young kids at home
Support for wife’s decision to veto husband’s Vegas trip
ESH, but communication and compromise are key
Newborn saves husband from being labeled a**hole for Vegas trip
Missing out as an adult? Partner stress? NTA wins!
Self-centered husband wants Vegas trip with young baby and bad finances. NTA.
Commenter thinks wife is slightly in the wrong.
Respecting boundaries: why OP’s wife is NTA
Respect and communication are key in a marriage
Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Diply Social Team