A wife asks for judgment after her husband monopolizes their shared space for hours during his online therapy sessions. She has been supportive of his therapy, but after months of him locking her out of the bedroom for hours and his aggressive reaction when she needed to retrieve something from the room, she is asking if she’s wrong for suggesting he hold his sessions somewhere else. Read on to decide if she is in the wrong or if her husband needs to be more considerate of their shared space.
Husband’s therapy sessions making wife uncomfortable in their small apartment.
Husband’s therapy sessions causing marital troubles
Husband’s r**e behavior during therapy leads to confrontation with wife.
Husband lashes out at wife for invading his privacy
Wife locked out during husband’s therapy- privacy or disrespect?
Wife asks if it’s wrong to suggest therapy outside bedroom ️
Husband refuses therapy at home, wife feels disrespected ♀️
Seeking therapy outside home causing marital conflict. Thoughts?
Supportive wife seeks advice on husband’s therapy location preference
Husband’s online therapy causing issues in shared space ♀️
Living in a shared space can be challenging, especially when one partner attends online therapy sessions. A wife recently asked if she was wrong for suggesting that her husband have therapy sessions elsewhere. While she fully supported him attending therapy, the husband’s 3-4 hour sessions in their shared bedroom prevented her from accessing her belongings and caused tension between them. The husband became defensive and aggressive when she tried to enter the room during his sessions, causing further strain on their relationship. The wife suggested he have his sessions in a different location, such as a coffee shop or car, but the husband reacted negatively, claiming she was unsupportive. The situation has caused ongoing arguments and stress between the couple. What would you do in this situation? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below.
Therapist suspects husband may be lying about therapy sessions.
Commenters suspect husband’s ‘therapy’ is actually cheating.
Husband’s therapy sessions might be a lie. NTA for asking.
Doubts arise regarding husband’s therapy sessions, suspicions of cheating or gambling.
Therapy session duration raises concerns. NTA.
Wife questions husband’s therapy sessions, internet sleuths suggest hidden agenda
Commenters express concern about the husband’s therapy sessions, suspecting p**n or online relationships.
Is the husband really attending a 4-hour therapy session? NTA
Commenter shares personal experience with therapy and doubts the legitimacy of husband’s four-hour sessions. Replies suggest possible infidelity or deception.
Doubts on the legitimacy of therapy sessions, NTA.
Support therapy but not at the cost of your safety ❤️
Is the husband hiding something during his 3-4 hour therapy sessions?
Is the husband really attending therapy sessions?
Is the husband really in therapy for 3-4 hours a day?
Compromise not possible? Couple fights over therapy location.
Husband’s 3-4 hour therapy sessions causing marital strife
Husband’s privacy or infidelity? Wife seeks advice
Suggests checking bank statements to uncover potential infidelity
Questioning partner’s therapy frequency. NTA, but suspicious.
Therapy is for everyone because life is hard.
NTA for asking husband to have therapy sessions elsewhere
Suspicious behavior during therapy sessions raises concern and doubt.
Insightful therapist provides compelling evidence husband is lying about therapy
Hilarious comment about husband’s potential webcam activities during therapy.
Suggests couple’s therapy to address privacy and temper issues
Spying on your partner is wrong, but is it justified?
Suspect behavior and lies? Time to reconsider this relationship.
Commenter doubts therapy sessions, raises insurance suspicions
Curious commenter learns about intensive outpatient therapy duration
Therapy sessions in secret, something fishy?
Spice up your therapy sessions with cam girls! #NTA
Commenters don’t believe husband’s story, support wife.
Is the husband being secretive? Wife is NTA for suggesting therapy elsewhere.
Skeptical commenter suggests recording husband’s therapy sessions for transparency
Husband’s excessive therapy sessions lead to conflict. NTA.
Balancing therapy, p**n, and infidelity accusations with emojis
Doubting partner’s therapy? Trust issues or valid concern?
Insight from a s*x worker on the husband’s behavior.
Doubts on husband’s therapy, wife not in the wrong
Spouse locks partner out for fake therapy? NTA says Reddit.
Commenter suspects husband’s online activity, not therapy sessions. ️♀️
Husband’s behavior raises suspicions and concern
Red flags everywhere: is he cheating or hiding something?
Husband’s ‘therapy’ expenses questioned, NTA for setting boundaries
Is the husband hiding something?
Support for wife seeking therapy elsewhere due to husband’s reaction
Possible infidelity alert: Comment accuses husband of cheating.
Insight from a cop about therapy policies and potential red flags ♂️
Cheating alert! NTA exposes cam girl affair in therapy arrangement
Online therapy or online s*x work? NTA for OP
Setting boundaries for mental health is NTA behavior
Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by Alfe Mercado