In a world where perfection is often the most desired trait, it’s nice to see that regular people can get a break, too. We’re talking about so-called “dad bods” here.
I’ve stumbled upon one Instagram account called That DadBod Tho which openly celebrates regular Joes with their bellies, love handles, and other imperfections. And people seem to enjoy it quite a lot.
That DadBod Tho showcases men who don’t have chiseled abs and who embrace their dad bod physiques.

Celebrities like Channing Tatum and Chris Pratt have been featured, but the majority of men are just regular guys who wanted to show their bodies with a body-positive message.
Life Is A Balancing Act
But if you can balance a can of beer on your belly that’s should be considered a special skill. No? Ha, ha, ha.
Always Dreaming Of Pizza
Hey, who isn’t doing that while they’re floating on a pizza-shaped floatie in the pool? I bet this guy isn’t the only one. Indeed.
I Just Woke Up Like This
Even an average Joe can look adorable right in the morning light? Am I right, ladies? Who wouldn’t want to wake up to this?
Gotta Multitask
LOL! Lift one arm with weights, lift the other one with beer going straight into your mouth. Heck if it works, don’t fix it. Right on!
Just A Little Bonding Time With The Bros
Apparently, the best things come in threes and three dad bods are always better than one. Who can argue with that philosophy?
Nap Time
Oh, wait I meant for the baby. Ha, ha. Well, after working hard looking after the baby, dad needs a nap too. Sweet dreams of pizza and beer.
Sunny Side Up
Now we know what really fuels that dad bod. And it’s two eggs sunny side up. Hmm, I thought it would be much more than that.
Men At Work
Is this not the best sight ever or what? Is it just me or do you ladies enjoy spotting men in their natural habitat too? Wink, wink.
Cheat Day
Everybody deserves one. Right? How about two or five then? Well, if you had a hard week don’t be too hard on yourself. Just enjoy that spaghetti already.
Gone Fishing
It’s the weekend so let’s go fishing. I dunno about you but there isn’t anything better than eating what your man has caught for you? Oh yes, please.
Silly Time
Who can resist a guy with a sense of humor? Maybe he doesn’t have those washboard abs but his jokes are always funnier than the next-door neighbor’s.
Gym Rat
Who says guys with “dad bods” don’t work out? They gotta. Afterall you gotta uphold that “dad bod” persona, no? Work hard, play hard, drink hard, work out!
All-American Man
Talk about representing here. To all the dad bods out there show yourself proudly and own what’ve got. Never let your insecurities stop you from enjoying the party.
Are you all for the dad bod kinda guy?
I think it’s about time we celebrate those who aren’t going after perfection all the time. Live and let live.
Last Updated on January 23, 2020 by Kasia Galifi