There is a whole world of weird and wonderful things lurking around this planet, but the less likely they seem, the harder they are to find.
And so, from people who found eggs without shells to individuals who did impossible things with basketballs, here are 20 weird things that seem like they shouldn’t be possible.
“My Mom cut open this watermelon for the fourth and was surprised with a heart!”

I would find this adorable and irritating, as you’re also missing out on a load of melon!
“How this pine tree grew around the palm tree.”

I cannot help but feel as though that Palm Tree is sweating and screaming, “For God’s sake man let go!”
“Achievement unlocked! Shoot the head off of a fly at 50yds.”

That fly has to be one of the most unlucky creatures to have ever existed!
“Apparently you can’t get bruises on old scars.”

This is quite cool, but if you’re also wondering what in God’s name they did to get a bruise that big, they added, “Crashed during a dirtbike race last weekend and landed on my a*s. Luckily nothings broken though!”
“My cat’s paws make a heart when put together.”

The legs are saying “Love and peace,” but the face is saying, “Get me my d**n food right now.”
“How in the almighty…”

The fact that they managed to not damage either of those two cars is absolutely baffling!
“Lightning striking a rainbow.”

This looks like there is some sort of mystical war between Gods. Or it is just God showing off.
“Was training with blowdarts, until I managed to hit a dart on another like Robin Hood.”

I guess that if they never pull any of the darts out and just keep firing them then this will become an even more frequent occurrence.
“My mom killed a wasp while closing the garage door.”

Who needs a fly swatter when you can use a garage door to trap those pesky bugs?! Not very portable though.
“Truck goes over bridge, is saved by safety chains hooked up to RV.”

If I had been the driver of that truck then I would still be there to this day, hands stuck to the steering wheel, unable to let go.
“One of our chickens just laid a jumbo egg with another egg inside.”

By God that must be some chicken that laid that egg. What are they feeding their chickens?!
“The sand dispersed on this new bike lane make it look as though the sun is shining…”

Nothing like soft sand dispersed across a bike path to send cyclists flying! It does look cool though!
“My best friend did this. How?”

I don’t know if I’m more amazed by the ball in the net or the fact that there are still people who manage to take photos with their fingers over the lens.
“Bubble got stuck on one small strand of a spiderweb.”

I would want to keep this forever, but I know that as soon as I went near it I’d destroy it.
“2 days ago I knelt in my car and burned myself on a penny and it left a perfect penny burn on me.”

Jesus wept, how hot is it in this person’s car?! Are they living on the surface of the sun?
“This Fibonacci spiral on our cauliflower we got.”

As cool as this is, I simply cannot see anything other than the most disgusting vegetable on earth…cauliflower.
“Lemon slices float, but lime slices don’t.”

One person posited, “The lemons have more skin on them, which is less dense than the fruit flesh or water, allowing them to float.” However, another person pointed out that it was actually because green is heavier than yellow.
“One of my chickens laid an egg with no shell without it rupturing.”

So this chicken is laying eggs with no shells and the last chicken was laying eggs with two shells, they need to team up.
“The chipped paint on this car looks like the Air Jordan logo.”

Thanks to this logo now being on this car, the value just skyrocketed… Well, the owners hope so.
“My Kit Kat had no wafer in it.”

We all expect to be let down by other people in life, but to be let down by something as pure as a Kit Kat is criminal.
Last Updated on July 19, 2021 by Paddy Clarke