Many restaurants try to be up and coming with innovative menus and some crazy decor and themes.
The restaurant business is a hard and complicated field, so staying “cool” and unique is important . But, some places take it way too far and go beyond “unique” and just end up doing things that are super weird. So much so, we’re totally not about it.
Never going to eat off a shoe.
Sorry, there is no world where I will ever want to eat off a shoe. Even if it’s clean and even if it’s in the “theme” of a “sandy sandal,” I don’t want to have a shoe on my table.
Too much going on here.
This is a plate of lamb chops if you can believe that. It looks like an entire plant and habitat for some birds, maybe bugs. But, how am I going to cut into my lamb chops in a flower pot?
Oh h**l no!
Street food is amazing and you can truly get some of the best meals and dishes from carts and trucks. But, come on y’all, please be cleaner and better than using receipts as plates!
In an ashtray.
This seems like the cafe ran out of plates and washed an old, used ashtray and served a pastry and dessert in it. No thank you, I would think it tastes like ash even if they didn’t smoke.
The wire cones were a bad call.
Putting pasta with sauce in a cone that has openings and wires is a really, really bad call. The sauce can’t even stay in the cone at all and it’s all over the plate! What a mess.
This is what I mean when I say some places take trying to be “different” way too far. This place tried to serve their appetizer in a book, which, definitely is dirty and gross.
What kind of salad is this even?
This “salad” is about 4 bites and impossible to eat. Also, I bet it was from a place that charges $20 for this salad just because it looks “modern” and cool. Nope, pass.
That’s a rusty bucket.
Serving things in a bucket is one thing. But, if you are going for the aesthetic and are going to use them, get ones that are not rusty. That’s a health hazard and also really nasty for everyone involved.
Taking Covid-19 way too far.
First of all, people need masks so why are we wasting PPE on trying to be “clever” and in the “now” with Covid-19. What a waste and a way to make even more trash and garbage. Also, also, these are not durable.
A stone bento box?
Stone is super heavy and also really hard to lift and move. So, servers can only bring one plate at a time which is counterproductive. Also, when we need to move our plate, I’m not trying to work out, too.
Strange and weird.
I don’t want to play Barbie’s with my daughter on a good day, and there’s no way I want there to be Barbie’s on my table when I’m out to eat. Who knows where that hair has been and who has touched her!
This is bound to be a mess.
It may look interesting and different, but taking the wine class off will definitely be a huge mess. I don’t want to end up with noodles in my lap, no thank you.
A kid’s meal served on an old VHS case.
This VHS case is old, and I mean old . They don’t even make VHS tapes anymore so this one has seen some stuff. And, they’re serving food on it. Which, is super unsanitary and also a waste.
They served the pasta in the pan itself.
Instead of serving it on a plate, or even in a bowl, they give the entire pan at this restaurant. And, you use metal forks and knives, which will scratch and cut it up—making it not the best for you.
Fish bones?!
I guess this place thinks that serving fish on the actual fish carcass is kind of trendy and modern, but this is not the best or appetizing. To be honest, I would feel morally wrong eating this.
Last Updated on January 18, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle