If there’s one thing the internet can’t get enough of, it’s unlikely animal friends hanging out together. Even more so if one of them is a pet, a cute woodland creature, or a farm animal.
TikToker and farmer Justyne Noble posts plenty of cute videos of her farm to her account @thenoblegoat , mainly featuring the many goats that she cares for. A few days ago, she uploaded a TikTok video showing a cute little baby squirrel running around the barn among a group of curious goats. With over half a million views and hundreds of comments, people couldn’t get enough of the clip.
Totally Wholesome
“What’s happening here?” Justyne asks as she films four goats standing around an incredibly tiny squirrel. Each of the goats takes a turn giving the baby a sniff, as if to see what they’re dealing with. The goats are incredibly gentle, and the squirrel doesn’t seem too stressed or spooked by them. The TikTok ends with a couple of still shots of the squirrel grabbing some of the straw from the ground of the barn, presumably to make a nest with.
Users Were Absolutely Obsessed
The comment section was full of people specifically talking about how cute the baby squirrel was. With the winter months upon us, it seems that it probably wandered in for warmth as outdoor temperatures start to drop.
Many users joked (or maybe hoped) that the goats were about to adopt the squirrel as a friend of their own.
Amazed At How Gentle The Goats Were
Since goats are herbivores, it would have been very unlikely that they would have seen the squirrel as a potential food source. Even still, they were especially gentle with the baby, as if they could tell it was still in a delicate stage of life.
Other Users Begged For An Update
Users wondered if the squirrel ended up staying around, or if it has wandered off on its way. Multiple commenters asked Justyne to upload a second part.
Luckily, We Got One!
A day after the initial TikTok, Justyne uploaded a second video. It seems the squirrel did leave, but came back the next day. Justyne caught it and put it in a makeshift enclosure, because it was a little too small to hang around with goats that were comparatively much larger. It’s unclear what they plan on doing with the squirrel, but hopefully it has a good winter!
Last Updated on November 30, 2022 by Ashley Hunte