What kind of pizza is best? That’s the question that has helped to fuel the fires of debate for generations. Up until now, it served as a riddle without an answer — but no longer.
While the jury is still out on what kind of pizza is best, there is now a resounding answer for that which is the worst. It comes courtesy of Twitter user @bex_bambi, who claims that her friend’s favorite kind of pizza involves baked beans and mayonnaise!
How do you like your pizza?

There really is no wrong answer. Whether you prefer a thin New York slice, a filling Chicago deep dish , or a crispy Detroit cut — it’s all good. That’s the beauty of pizza: limitless options and ways to have your pie your way.
On top of the style of cut, what helps to elevate pizza into a category of its own is the fact that you can top it with anything.

Maybe you’re a traditionalist and prefer to stick to just cheese and pepperoni. Perhaps you’re a connoisseur of international cuisine and enjoy your pizza Mediterranean style. Heck, you could even be the kind of person who puts pineapple on their pie!
But with pizza, as with all things, it’s important to know where the floor and ceiling are.

While it’s true that humanity has yet to ascend to the proper dizzying heights of pizza’s proverbial ceiling, thanks to Twitter user @bex_bambi — we’ve now officially found the floor.
In a recent tweet, @bex_bambi revealed that a close friend of hers prefers her pizza a little differently.

Forget the pepperoni, bacon, anchovies, olives, and everything else in-between. Because when Bex’s friend is feeling down in the dumps, she prefers to cheer herself up with “bean pizza.”
You read that correctly — bean pizza. Judging from the accompanying photo and description, it’s as offputting as it sounds.
From the looks of things, this looks like a normal ” vegetarian pizza ” that someone went and dumped a can of pork n’ beans and whole kernel corn on. As if that weren’t bad enough, the part about dipping the “pizza” in mayonnaise is enough to turn even the strongest of stomachs.
Not surprisingly, Twitter had a lot to say about this disgrace to Italian food culture.
My biggest problem is that they’re BEANS on pizza! But I understand what this user is saying. I can’t quite figure out how you’d even be able to eat that thing without a knife and fork — or a spoon.
Twitter user @Labow3 issued a steadfast warning to Bex upon posting this photo.
Unfortunately, it seems that they already have. If you thought that pineapple and ham on pizza was a divisive topic, just wait until the flame wars erupt with talks of beans and mayonnaise!
However, amid all the hate there were some people who felt otherwise.
A calzone with cheese, meat, baked beans, and mayo isn’t a calzone. With those toppings, you’re firmly in burrito country. Don’t even try to tell me otherwise, sicko.
Certain people couldn’t quite put their finger on it, but for some untold reason — the bean pizza looked good!
Abhorrent is an excellent choice of words. You should have stuck with your initial gut instinct because there’s nothing redeeming about this mess of a meal whatsoever.
Then, out of the woodwork came one user who blew everyone’s minds.
That’s right, baked bean pizza not only exists but it’s already been mass-produced! Although for how long remains to be seen. I know that if my grocery store were to stock this on its shelves — there would be a riot!
All things considered, Hawaiian pizza is starting to sound pretty darn tasty right about now.

Admittedly, I’ve never tried bean pizza, so I admit my ignorance. However, I’m not the kind of person who believes that you have to drink arsenic to know that it kills you. To each their own, so long as you keep that poor excuse for a pie away from me!
Last Updated on February 9, 2022 by Jordan Claes