Award show season has been very different this past year, there is no denying that. With COVID protocols and socially distant events, it’s been hard to get that electric feeling we normally get from these shows.
However, Glenn Close knew exactly what we needed, and delivered the most iconic moment of the 2021 Oscars.
Glenn Close is known for a lot of things.
A legendary career, a huge heart, and an even bigger personality are maybe just a few things that come to mind when we think about this legendary actor.
But did you know she has amazing dance moves? Me neither!
During Sunday night’s show, Glenn Close essentially broke the internet by doing the “Da B**t” dance.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please reference one of the many videos I have included in this article.
The dance happened shortly after the actress lost out on the Best Supporting Actress award.
For those of you keeping track at home, this is the 8th Oscar nomination Glenn Close has lost. Yep, the incomparable actress has been nominated for an Oscar eight times and has won ZERO times!
To take everyone’s mind off the SNUB of the century, the show launched into a trivia game.
Yes, a trivia game at the most glamourous award show of the year!
Glenn participated in the game, in which nominees were asked to guess whether a famous song had either won an Oscar or failed to get nominated.
The song that played for the 74-year-old was Experience Unlimited’s “Da B**t.”
After the actress was asked a trivia question about the track and its history with the Oscars, Glenn assured viewers she was familiar with the 1988 song.
“Wait just a second. That’s ‘Da B**t!'” Glenn exclaimed.
“I know, ‘Da B**t,’ it was a classic song by the great Washington, D.C., go-go band E.U..”
“So, wait, no, I remember this. Spike Lee had it written for his brilliant movie, *School Daze*,” she continued.
“Sadly, my friends at the Oscars missed this one and it was not nominated so it couldn’t win.”
Glenn was then asked if she knew the dance, and boy, did she EVER!
The 74-year-old proceeded to get out her seat to do the dance — and the internet LOST ITS MIND!
Naturally, people cannot get enough of Glenn doing “Da B**t’
BRB, I will be watching this video and practicing my own dance moves for the rest of the night.
The moment came after an arguably dry two and a half hours of the show.
The last hour saw the trivia game and the aforementioned legacy of Glenn’s “Da B**t” dance, the announcement of Best Picture being moved from its usual spot of the final award of the night, and the title for Best Actor being given to Anthony Hopkins, who wasn’t even there.
After the weirdest year in modern history, this moment just feels… right.
Were you impressed by Glenn’s dance moves? Can you do the “Da B**t” dance? Let us know in the comments below!
Last Updated on April 26, 2021 by Anastasia Ross