With the sheer number of businesses out there trying to promote themselves, it can be hard to find a way to stand out from the pack. Even if you’re daring enough to pull a wild publicity stunt, there’s no guarantee that somebody hasn’t already thought of it.
But in the case of one Texas barber, sometimes the right combination of gimmicks and mystery are just the ticket to get the people talking.
I mean, just look at the Kardashians!
At first glance, Jake Gamez of Fadeaway Barbershop’s promotion seems simple enough.

He posted this picture of his business card with the caption, “Gotta include one of these with every card! You’re going to need it after I cut your hair. Trust me.”
Since the “one of these” turned out to be a condom, his implications were pretty clear.

However, things got a little more complicated when it became obvious that Gamez put actually put the staple through the condom, which is not the safest way to distribute them.
Of course, the question was whether this fact was obvious to Gamez.
It’s a good thing he works at a barber shop and not a health center.
Some commentators assumed it was an honest, if embarrassing, mistake and wondered how they were going to breach the awkward subject with him.
I am not envious of his employee’s at all.
Others simply couldn’t believe that he had actually done what it looked like he did.
Of all the ways to staple a condom to a business card (which isn’t a statement I’d have thought I’d need to write,) he picked the one that renders it useless.
It seems like a hard thing to do by accident, which is why some folks theorized that he knew exactly what he was doing.
I guess it speaks a lot to somebody’s talents as a barber
After someone gave me faulty birth control you BET I wouldn’t return unless they were a d**n good barber, lol.

What does that say about me?
And if that was what he had in mind, it looks like somebody’s already given him an idea for his next promotion.
I wonder how many stages there are to this master business plan of his. Was getting a free brainstorm part of it too?
Anyway, whether he meant to staple the condoms where he did or not, he’s definitely letting people run with that theory.
After all, it can’t be a coincidence that he included the kinds of haircuts he would normally give to children. We see you, Jake.
Last Updated on March 15, 2019 by Mason Joseph Zimmer