And frankly, we’re pretty glad that he did. After all these years, we got to see Tom Welling go back into the role that he loved to play (and we loved to watch him in).
After all, we did miss him rather dearly, as well as the other people from Smallville . So it’s good to see them come back for at least one more outing.
So we all know the ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ is going on right now, right?

We’re at least past part 2, considering we’ve already seen Tom Welling as Smallville’s Superman.
Which was, of course, everything we dreamed it could be and more. Needless to say, it was very exciting.
But just in case you haven’t seen it…

Oh, spoilers ahead. Just as an FYI.
Alright, so Lex Luthor steals the Book of Destiny of goes across universes to kill Superman.
When he meets Welling, he’s surprised to find out that he’s given up his powers.
According to the executive producer of this crisis, Marc Guggenheim:

He addressed how Welling reacted to the scene when he first read it. And the reaction is probably what you’d expect :
“Honestly, he was terrific. ‘I love this.’ He basically said to me,”
He goes on to say that Welling pretty much couldn’t refuse.

“You guys have basically written the one scene that I can’t say no to,’ which was really, really nice… I feel like every note, even Tom’s little facial expression when he says, ‘Oh, still stronger,’ is great.”
What did you guys think of his scene? Let us know below in the comments!
Last Updated on December 12, 2019 by Jake Bean