If you’re the kind of person who randomly remembers something super dumb that you did a decade ago, just as you’re trying to fall asleep, try to be kinder to yourself. At least you’re not as dumb as these people.
Ugh 🙁
Imagine getting your hair just right, sucking your cheeks in just so, all to prepare for your social media glamour shot — only to forget that sunglasses are reflective, and may catch you in a lie.
Do you really stand?
This guy’s shirt, which says, “I stand for the national anthem”, is clearly a knee-j**k reaction to the whole Colin Kaepernick thing. Whether you agree or disagree, his point would be a bit stronger if he wasn’t literally sitting on the flag.
Does not compute.
Either North Carolina is dangerously full (Charlotte alone would probably be the biggest city in the world), or someone in charge of the news graphics accidentally added a couple extra zeroes.
The more you know.
If you live somewhere where avocado trees grew, don’t you think this would be your first assumption? Like, oak leaves cover my property, but I know exactly where they’re coming from.
A classic.
Has it really been nearly a year since an episode of Game of Thrones featured a Starbucks cup in one of its scenes? Let’s never forget this all-time classic screwup.
So long as AAA keeps sending drivers…
This is pretty funny, and it isn’t a big deal since the AAA guy can call a different AAA person to bail him out. But if it happens a few more times, we might run out of AAA drivers.
Anyone who says they’ve never used an alt account is probably lying. If you do use one, and use it to comment on your own posts, you’re playing with fire — especially if you forget to switch accounts.
Imprisoned by UPS.
The context of this photo totally changes the meaning of the smile on the Amazon box. Out of context, it’s just a happy face. But in this situation, it’s mocking the people it’s imprisoned.
Yeah, don’t take warnings seriously.
That sign is warning of a dangerous algae bloom that can straight up cause paralysis. But this guy just sees an opportunity to catch delicious, possibly paralysis-inducing seafood.
Shadows: how do they work?
If someone wants to post a pic of themselves, that’s cool. They should just go ahead and do it. Not every pic needs a backstory, but if you’re going to provide one, at least make sure it makes sense.
Saved it from…the ocean?
There are a few things to unpack here. First: not everything in the water is a shark, or a baby shark. Second, that creature would probably do a little better if it wasn’t being held.
Such complex creatures.
It’s almost a shame that this person realized their mistake. I’d love to hear somebody click and trill in an effort to verbally communicate braille.
Guitar gaffe.
I’m no musician, but neither is this person. If she was a musician, she’d probably realize that her song sounds like c**p because she’s using a capo the wrong way.
So authentic.
Back to the earlier point about alt accounts: if you’re going to use one to boost your posts, you really need to be more careful about knowing which account you’re signed into.
Expensive bathroom breaks.
Is this a typo, or a new payment system? If a prospective tenant could, hypothetically, either hold it in or exclusively pee outside, does that mean they get a free apartment?
Putting aside the fact that this is possibly the grossest baby reveal in all of human history, can we focus on the spelling? ‘Received’ is literally the textbook example of ‘I before E, except after C’.
Swing and a miss.
The irony here is that if they’d just left this label off of the box, the delivery probably would have been stealthy enough to not look too obvious.
That’ll take awhile.
This is what it looks like when a coffee roaster pours unroasted beans in with roasted. After all 10,000 of them are sorted by hand, they’ll be up and running again.
Bad idea.
Those stainless steel fridges look great, and a quick wipe with a cleaning cloth will make them sparkle. But, as this person found out, a quick wipe with Scotch-Brite will leave a mark.
Jimmy it open.
I almost have trouble believing the stupidity in this photo. That plastic-taped window is so obvious. Maybe no one wants to ruin the intricate tape job.
Last Updated on August 5, 2021 by D