The holiday cheer is in full swing, and a viral TikTok story that seemed like a scene straight out of a Christmas movie is making waves. A TikToker shared her experience traveling with 13 strangers following a flight cancelation from Frontier Airlines.
The lady, Alanah Story , with her family (mother and godmother), made the most of a terrible situation and got the experience of a lifetime.
Read more about this inspiring story below
The Best Christmas Or Horror Story
Story and her family had a flight with Frontiers Airlines on December 4th, but it got canceled on short notice. Due to their pressing engagement, the trio planned an eight-hour drive from Orlando to Knoxville, Tennessee.
Things got interesting when they met other fliers needing urgent transportation along that route. 13 people (minus the Storys) rented a 15-seater minivan and drove for eight hours. Since it was something straight out of Home Alone, Story documented the experience via TikTok, thus earning millions of views.
A Dynamic Group
Story said she couldn’t make the situation up but decided to seal it in history by making a TikTok video. She asked the strangers to introduce themselves and state their reasons for renting the van.
Some of them include Lexi, a student traveling for her finals; Robyn, a mother on her way to support her son during his custody battle; and Johan from Mexico.
While Story’s action seemed genuine, some TikTok commenters applauded her for getting everyone’s faces on camera.
More Updates From Alanah
Someone rightly commented, “Either a great horror film or Christmas movie,” because there are so many ways the trip could’ve gone. The commenters asked for hourly updates to ensure Story and her family were safe.
She recently shared an old video from the trip, saying they all made it home safe. Three hours into the road trip, they landed in Georgia. The vacationers traveling to the University of Tennessee for a school tour led the group. The father drove while his wife and daughter occupied seats 7 and 8.
Safe Landing And New Friendships
The driver said they made their 10:00 a.m. appointment at the University of Tennessee since they arrived at their destination at 8:30 a.m., and three trippers discovered they were headed to the same conference. Some commenters asked the group to get together periodically to reminisce.
Story said Frontier Airlines emailed her an offer of a $50 voucher, but she turned it down. She said they didn’t want to take that risk again.
Last Updated on December 11, 2022 by Chisom Ndianefo