They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but from the child’s perspective, that comes down to all the people who make them feel the most special.
Whether it’s a favorite teacher, a somewhat distant relative, or a family friend, a lot of us can remember someone beyond our immediate family who still kind of felt like they were part of it.
And as one Disneyland cast member recently found out, when you keep bringing smiles to a child’s face, they won’t forget it.
On Amber Shaddock Roberts’ first trip to Disneyland, she met Snow White.

According to a Facebook post , she was two-years-old at the time.
Clearly, her family noticed the trip made an impression on her because it wasn’t long before she came back.
And it seemed like little Amber made an impression on Snow White as well.

Even though she must see hundreds of kids every day, Snow White actually recognized her and remembered her name.
Even more adorably, she always remembered Amber on every occasion she visited until she turned 15.
After that last visit at 15, Amber wouldn’t see her in person for years.

But even though Amber didn’t see the woman who played Snow White, she was apparently still on her mind.
After all, she eventually learned the cast member was now working as Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother.
So on Wednesday, she decided to try and find her Snow White for the first time since she was a kid.

As Amber said in her post, “She made my Disney childhood so incredibly magical.”
Since recognizing Amber after so long would have been a Herculean feat, Amber brought a photo album to help jog her memory.
As we can easily tell, the Snow White-turned-Fairy Godmother was amazed to see her old friend again.

As Amber put it, “Today I tracked her down & got to hug her neck. Best day ever!!”
Well, it’s good to know the reunion was as happy as it looked.
Amber also doesn’t mind admitting that the heartwarming meeting made her cry.

And from the looks of things in this photo, she wasn’t the only one to turn on the waterworks. It must have felt so special to know that her kindness stayed with Amber all her life.
h/t: Facebook | Amber Shaddock Roberts
Last Updated on January 11, 2019 by Mason Joseph Zimmer