While I fall closer to the dog side of the cats v. dogs debate, that’s mostly due to allergies than any firm taking of sides.
It’s simply that I have to enjoy cats (and most dogs) from afar, though I occasionally sacrifice my comfort for cuddles.
I’d definitely be fine with a few hours of red eyes and sneezing for this kitty.

Her name is Blossom and she’s grasped the internet by the heart strings with the single photo below.

Obviously, some of the effect comes from the roundness of her snout, but when you compare this pic to her others you can see that there’s a little something extra going on with this one.
She’s smiling right up to her eyes.

You may have heard about how big of a deal this “smizing” is in modelling circles, but Blossom is clearly a natural.
Blossom is one of three kittens Lauren Boutz is currently fostering for the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department.

She’s dubbed the five-week-old cuties the “Powerpurr Girls” and named them Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup to match.
When she and friend Gary Sanchez were having some fun taking pictures, he snapped the smile and Lauren had to share it.

In the time since, she’s also shared a lovely gallery of other adorable faces that Blossom makes, like this one.
She definitely didn’t expect it to go viral.

Since people kept asking for more pics of Blossom and her sisters, Lauren has started an Instagram account for them under @biochem_kitten .
There are already a bunch more adorable pics of the Powerpurr Girls and I can only imagine the collection will keep on growing.

After all, the Instagram page has only been active for a week and it’s already picking up some serious momentum.
Last Updated on November 2, 2019 by Amy Pilkington