Ahh yes, the world of Game Of Thrones . Feels like throwing on an old pair of slippers, doesn’t it?
I wish they would do a spinoff. At least then I could have more.
Spoiler Alert!
So yeah, if you’re one of those people who is lucky enough to have not seen Season 8 yet, then click away and also, you should probably skip the final season.
Don’t it always seem to go…
That you don’t know what you got till’ it’s gone.
Sure, the final season of Game Of Thrones kinda stunk (alright, so it really stunk, whatever) but now what?
What’s next?
How do we write new fan theories? All the questions have been answered… or at least most of them have. The important ones have.
Alright, a few of the important ones have.
Like who gets the Iron Throne…
Which was obviously Bran and which is also still getting my goat.
I figured my goat would’ve been long gone by now and I would get over it, maybe get a new goat, but that is not the case.
Like who dies…
Dany, for starters, gets stabbed by her nephew/lover Jon Snow. Cersei dies, Jamie dies, Missandei dies, The Cleganes die, etc, etc…
There are a lot of deaths in Game Of Thrones , are you really surprised?
Like Who Lives…
This is the section that really matters because these are our potential spin-offs.
Obviously like, a bunch of the Stark kids make it. Tyrion lives, Bron, Samwell, Ser Davos and Jon Snow. Oh, Grey Worm too.
Most storylines came around…
Except for one (well, maybe a couple, but for the sake of the article let’s just go with one).
And it was one that… maybe could’ve affected the story differently, had it been paid attention too.
Cersei was very hated amongst fans.
And for a good reason, to be fair.
She was basically the worst person, and a lot of fans were happy to see her go.
Remember Cersei’s pregnancy?
Yeah, in Season 7 she announced she got pregnant by her brother Jaime (again) and I assume it was supposed to be a big deal?
Why wouldn’t it be?
A lot of people thought she was actually lying about her pregnancy.
Just to keep Jaime close to her. It would have made so much sense.
But unfortunately…
A lot of fan theories didn’t actually pan out.
This is just one of the many.
I mean…
With all the evil Lannisters now dead, it would’ve been cool to have a promised successor to Cersei’s tyranny.
Ooh, or maybe Tyrion could’ve raised it as his own son or daughter.
Well wait a minute…
Because there was another theory going around on the internet that Cersei’s pregnancy… was just a ploy to get to her keep her power.
Oh yeah, folks, you can use the scary music.
Think about it…
She ends up telling the man who would become her closest ally, Euron Greyjoy, that he got her pregnant.
What better way to strengthen an alliance than with a baby?
Is the theory true or not? Well, Lena Headey has luckily answered that for us.
Recently, we finally got some answers.
At a con, she talked about a deleted scene that answered all of our questions about the pregnancy.
Cersei had a miscarriage.
Below you’ll see the clip where Lena talks about an unused scene where Cersei miscarries her baby.
It would’ve been powerful, it would’ve been another horrible thing to happen to that character, it would’ve been… something.
People, are understandably, p****d.
They, as I did, wanted to see that scene.
However, as per usual, they lash out at the creators of the show for making the decisions they did. With good reason.
What do you think?
Is that a scene you would’ve wanted to see? Or would it have just been more gratuitous sadness to throw at an already suffering character?
If you think the latter, then hello D&D, nice to know you read my articles.
Last Updated on June 20, 2019 by Jake Bean