Even the best laid plans often only work until they’re put into action. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? With things all lined up, neat and tidy, only to have something go sideways and throw everything off?
So, if anything, we should all be able to commiserate with these folks, whose brilliant plans backfired on them in some amusing and startling ways.
I hope the people who set up this drain don’t golf.

Because they’ll clearly have a tough time reading how a green will break if they can’t get water to go down a grate. The water is treating that grate like it’s someone reading the labels in a grocery aisle.
That’s not how this situation was supposed to go.

A nutcracker has literally one job. It’s right in the name: it cracks nuts. It’s pretty much the ultimate fail for a nutcracker to get cracked by a nut.
Bonus makeover?

Yep, more than just the closet doors got fresh coat of paint. Remember: paint goes through slats with much more ease than it comes out of clothing.
Bet they won’t make that mistake twice!
Not sure that’s going to buff out.

Paint on clothing is bad enough. Running over a full bucket of white enamel paint with your smooth black ride? Yikes.
And apparently it was a hot, 90-degree day, so that paint probably dried before the owner had a chance to wash it off, too.
“Just ordered a pizza, super excited when it showed up, opened the box and it was uncoocked.”

Okay, the promises to meet delivery times have gone too far if pizza joints are cutting corners like this. Like, sure, it got to the customer in record time, but cooking the pie is a pretty important step.
Put it in rice…?

Even the sturdiest phone case is going to have a tough time with road rash. Good news though, that connection is rock solid. That charging cord is a keeper for sure.
“Good morning…”

Aw man, and it’s not even coffee. This poor person doesn’t even get to improve the situation with caffeine. But man, it s***s even worse when you mess up coffee in the morning.
I’ve both made a pot of coffee without putting coffee in – presto jug of hot water – and forgotten to put the carafe back under the dispenser – presto hot coffee everywhere.
This is not a ringing endorsement of the education system.

Hey, typos happen to everybody. We all make our fair share. And editors have thankless jobs – everybody sees the typos they miss, but nobody sees all the mistakes they catch.
But still, you expect more and better from a high school year book than “Congragualtions.”
There’s your problem…

Someone took their laptop into the shop to get it looked at. When it came back, it was having overheating issues – every single time it booted up. The reason? The shop took out the fan and forgot to put it back in.
That’ll do it!
So close, yet so far.

“See that tiny sliver of metal in the gap? Those are my car keys that I locked in the groove of my trunk,” the uploader of this pic explained. What a tease, being able to see your keys but unable to retrieve them.
There’s an important step in prank wars…

Always leave yourself a way out. The jokester in this case forgot to make sure they had a key for the padlock before attaching it to their brother’s glasses. So, that’s just a bit awkward.
Well, the lock did its part here, at least.

“This is my bike. I was away for 6 minutes,” the uploader wrote. “I had to walk 16km home with a bike frame under my arm.”
You really would think that very little could happen in six minutes. That thief could work on a pit crew.
That’s an interesting pattern.

Can anybody resist the urge to make their mark for all time when they see freshly poured concrete? It’s impossible, right? Even nature knows that. See?
An entire flock of ducks had a waddle on this freshly poured driveway, and it looks like they had a great time.
“What I ordered (left) vs what I got (right).”

Nothing like ordering from a needlessly literal company that manages to provide a technically correct but still very wrong piece of merchandise.
You have to admit though, it’s a good conversation starter, so might be worth keeping.
“On the plus side, I appear to have invented pre-sliced banana bread.”

Well, that’s finding the silver lining. Nothing like putting all that effort into baking bread only to have it ruined by miscalculating how much it’s going to rise in the oven.
I don’t think that’s how spares are supposed to work.

The good news: the rental car company provided a set of spare keys.
The bad news: the keys are all on the same ring, which is a piece of crimped steel wire. So…they’re not really “spare” keys. You lose one, you lose them all.
“My wife said measure the door, I told her all doors are the same size…”

I feel ya, bud, I’ve been there. Is there any bigger comeuppance than knowing in your bones that you’re right, only to be proven exceptionally wrong by reality?
Like, you can’t even fudge that.
“Buy the tiny bottles, I thought. She’ll waste less…”

Maybe she’s trying to cut down on calories? Otherwise, I’ve got nothing. It’s just one of those habits people sometimes have.
“Got my license in the mail today.”

Does this guy possibly have a sibling who is currently thirty years in the past trying to make sure that his parents hook up at the prom? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on here.
The cruelest twist…

Of all the places to stock the back pain medication, the bottom shelf has to be the nastiest. You really couldn’t have planned it much better for people to need what they’re reaching for before they even have it in hand.
Last Updated on June 1, 2021 by Ryan Ford