There’s nothing more satisfying than, well, looking at a bunch of satisfying things online. I guess actually finding them in real life would be really good too, but that basically never happens.
At least, for most of us it doesn’t. But every once in a while, you luck out like the people in this list, and find something super satisfying. Usually by accident .
“Inside the exhaust stack of my paint booth looks like a portal to another dimension.”

Something about this photo is really scratching that itch right now. It’s like looking at something super close up in a microscope. All the texture in the exhaust buildup? Slightly concerning, but nice to look at.
“My avocado’s stone looks like a wee dragons egg.”

Am I the only one who’s thinking about how that avocado was cut perfectly? The pit looks so clean, and the outer pieces are almost perfectly intact. This is honestly kind of awesome.
“Amount of snow that hit southern Ontario.”

Though I could definitely do without this much snow, I’m loving how smooth it all looks. Sure, you can’t go to the store or anything. But why would you want to when you can stare at satisfyingly smooth snow all day?
“This origami dragon I found in Japantown.”

Apparently, this amazing piece can be found in a store in San Francisco. It must take years of practice and some serious skill to make an origami dragon that looks as perfect as this one.
“A sponge bleached by the sun.”

Sure, it’s just a normal sponge that happened to be bleached by the sun. But it’s also so clean-looking. Probably because it got bleached by the sun.
Look, I know you think it’s satisfying to look at, too. I know .
“The vacuum created as tea was dispensed from this container.”

It kind of s***s that, at some point, that vacuum seal isn’t going to be there anymore. But at the very least, we have this picture to immortalize such a perfectly smooth seal.
“This pattern of frozen ice on a tree trunk.”

This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I could reach into my screen. I really want to touch this frozen tree bark. I just know it would feel really cool on my hands.
“My husband cracked an egg he took from our coop in below freezing temps. This is a frozen egg yolk.”

I’ve always wanted to handle an egg yolk without breaking it. I don’t know why, but it just seems like it would be really cool. I guess unless you have a steady hand, handling a frozen one is the way to go.
“The way this tree is pruned around power lines.”

In a year or two, those branches are going to grow right back, getting in the way of the power lines again (unless the lines get moved underground). But for now, let’s enjoy how strangely satisfying this is.
“10 piece nuggets I got tonight. All nice and laid out neat.”

I love it when the McDonald’s employee does this. Of course, when they’re too busy (or if that employee is having a bad day) they won’t do it. So it’s kind of rare (and awesome).
“This perfectly circular stone my mom found at the beach this weekend.”

I’d love to know how perfectly circular rocks are formed. Like, does nature actually produce perfectly circular rocks? I guess that’s what makes mother nature so amazing, huh?
“While pruning apples at work, i sawed a limb off and found this heart-shaped knot.”

This is another really satisfying thing. Just the way the branch was cut. And the nearly-perfect heart knot in there makes it so much better.
“I put rainbow carrots in my Japanese white stew and it turned purple.”

This looks like the kind of stew you’d see in a cartoon, which makes it so much cooler! If only it tasted like purple (whatever flavor purple would be in the first place is beyond me, though).
“My donuts are good until Two’s Day.”

I’m really looking forward to Twos Day (Tuesday February 22nd, 2022). All of those twos… It’s going to be one super satisfying (and hopefully super lucky) day.
“These two houses share one garage.”

Though sharing a garage with your next-door neighbor is probably a pain, the way the colours are divided right in the middle is mighty satisfying. Way better than a seamless gradient, that’s for sure.
“The way the branches on this tree look like the are in a circular shape around the light but are actually not.”

Not only is this a cool optical illusion, it’s also a satisfying one. I just love when a thing does more than one thing. I could stare at this all day long.
“Brand new set of Monopoly dollars.”

Ah, brand new Monopoly dollar bills. They look so clean and smooth. Too bad it doesn’t take long before they get all crumpled up and stained with whatever snack you’re eating while playing.
“These baking chocolate bars come more nicely wrapped than a lot of bars made to be directly eaten.”

Oh man, I really wish all chocolate bars came in packaging like this. It would make me feel like I’m Charlie Bucket, about to find a golden ticket and meet W***y Wonka.
“I’ve been collecting the ends of my embroidery thread and placing them in this jar for about 5 years now.”

You don’t even have to use them in a project or anything. These leftover embroidery threads look like a piece of art all on their own! Once that jar is full, it’ll look so good on a shelf.
“Garlic… but each one is a single clove.”

Sure, this seems a little unnatural. But it’s also strangely satisfying? Just the way the garlic bulbs look so smooth, instead of having the bumps that separate each clove. Strange, but nice, too.
Last Updated on January 19, 2022 by Ashley Hunte