Buyer’s remorse is real.
This is when you regret the item that you purchased . It could hit immediately or weeks later (maybe when that credit card bill comes in).
But what if you could stop that feeling before it happened? This is where knowing what to purchase and what not to purchase comes in.
Thankfully, Redditors have our back on this one, as they shared which 19 things people should think twice before buying.

That applies if you can’t take care of them for the rest of their lives .
As cute and adorable as dogs and cats are, they could be a 15-20 year commitment. A lot goes into this, including love, attention, and money.
Mini Brand toys.

“I see tiktoks of people unboxing like these mini-plastic toys (?) of name brand items. And they will have 100s of them all individually wrapped in multiple layers of packaging just to have tiny replicas of a bottle of windex or lay’s potato chips.” – u/WitherWithout

All that glitter isn’t gold.
This Reddit points out that it gets on everything . Plus, it’s microplastic, which means that it’s going into our waterways and oceans.
“Yet the toy stores and clothing stores are adding more sequins and glitter every day.”
Detox tea.
“Detox teas or anything that claims to help rid you of ‘toxins’ in your body. If you can’t do that [expletive] on your own already then you need a kidney or liver transplant, not a tea that a fit mom is trying to sell you.” – u/TheBereWolf
Holiday décor.

This Redditor shares that people are wasting their money by buying new holiday stuff, like a fake tree and ornaments.
Call this person The Grinch if you want — they have a point that it’s frivolous.
Boilers, furnaces, or water heaters below 90% efficiency.

“Not a sexy or flashy response, but no one should be buying a boiler, furnace, or water heater below 90% efficiency. The ~80% efficiency equipment is ancient technology and you are throwing your money away while also spewing more greenhouse gasses!” – u/DelxF
This stands for multi-level marketing , which people view it as a scam. Popular companies include Arbonne, Young Living, and Herbalife.
So, if you get a “hey girl!” in your inbox, followed by “I have an amazing opportunity for you!” from someone (called a “hun”) you haven’t talked to in years, run!

“Especially those sealed tight ones… Our dead need to decompose, and they will, but the casket can just explode. When I’m dead I want to be buried in a blanket and tossed in a hole. Let nature worry about me.” – u/BevLive
Expensive at-home fitness equipment.
Looking at you, Peloton!
This Redditor writes that you pay two grand for the machine and then pay a recurring monthly fee just to use it. This seriously makes us question why people are buying them.
Plastic bags.

“My father’s village is drowning in plastic bags. They are everywhere! Sometimes they melt in the sun and I don’t even want to know what the consequences are for the environment.” – u/itssivven
Shark fin soup.
While sharks aren’t exactly angels, they don’t deserve to die an unnecessary death from shark fin soup .
This Redditor shares how the fishers throw the shark out to sea to die after cutting off the fin since the other body parts have no monetary value.
Helium balloons.

“There are so many medical and technical processes which require helium and it can’t be lab-created. It’s mined (extracted, I think might be the right term) and will eventually run out if things don’t change.”- u/bigpapajon
Fast fashion.

“Fast fashion ( I may be a hypocrite) because these big companies do not give a fork about workers. Secondhand stuff is the way to go if you want a mainstream brand -ethical brands are another option with secondhand ethical brands being the ideal choice.” – u/MyGuyWiFi
The latest model of cellphones.
It’s easy to feel like you’re behind on what’s new and hip when major cell phone companies are releasing new phones every year.
The Redditor points out that electronic waste is a huge problem that we can avoid by giving into the latest models.
Influencer products.

“Some of them just want a cash grab and will take whatever product (that they don’t use on themselves) and slap a label on it. Not a lot of the actually study skincare or even put their heart or full effort to what they sell.” – u/cc_wonderland

“They’re just a scam. Hoarded mostly by one company to artificially inflate the market and sourced in pretty disgusting ways. Not any better than artificial diamonds. And they’re just one big piece of marketing.” – u/DiceyWater
Big trucks or SUVs.

If you’re actually going to use all the extra space for home or work purposes, great. But if not, it’s a huge waste of money and gas that could’ve been spent on a smaller, more appropriate-sized car.

“If you’re only going to use it once or twice a year you will be much happier renting or joining a boat club. You will spend less money renting a boat a few times every summer than you would trying to keep a used boat you bought off Craigslist running and afloat.” – u/No-Insurance-366
Bottled water.
“Unless your town water is truly rated unsafe even with a filter on, but in that case, get reusable water jugs and fill them from a safe source). Get filters under your sink or on your tap and use glasses at home or reusable bottles for travel. We are drowning in a sea of plastic!” – u/MrsMurphysChowder
Last Updated on July 28, 2021 by Sarah Kester