As far as makeup trends are concerned some are simply fabulous, others border on insane, and some are just plain hilarious. For the latest trend that’s hitting social media, you can be the judge on which category it belongs to.
It looks like people are following the “Tiny Face Challenge” that one YouTuber recently started and are having a grand time. If this isn’t the perfect quarantine makeup, I simply don’t know what is.
Jamie French is known for her hilarious YouTube makeup tutorials.
So it’s pretty fitting that she took on the “tiny face challenge” by painting, well, a tiny face, on her nose.
And since many people are now forced to cover their faces with masks, why not just create a whole new face instead?
Well, that’s exactly what everyone is doing now thanks to this challenge.
What you need to do for this challenge is draw a smaller nose outline on your existing nose.
Then, draw the lips on the end of your real nose. Voilà! Challenge completed.
Then, if your forehead ends up looking disproportionate to your face you can fix it up with shading.
Or simply put on a head covering, a bandana, or a hat.
You then follow it up with, you guessed it, a bright red lipstick.
How’s that for some drama? Ha, ha! Are you scared yet or are you simply fascinated by this?
If you really want to know how it’s done, here’s a video tutorial that Jamie French did.
I watched the whole thing, and I kid you not, I was dying.
It looks like some people really got this challenge down, while others might need some more practice.
So, if you’re brave you should totally try it.
And then there are those you wish you could simply unsee.
OMG, I hope this won’t give me nightmares tonight. Imagine people with tiny faces chasing you in your dreams? No!!!
If you can make your eyes look big that’s another kicker.
I gotta admit, some people are way better at doing this than others. Ha, ha! This looks quite perfect.
After your fake face is done, just go ahead and finish the rest of your fabulous makeup.
Then, just take a stroll outside and see what happens. LOL!
Is it just me or does this look resemble ‘Child’s Play’?
I don’t think I would be all too happy to run into her in a dark alley.
I think this is more my style.
A cute and pretty version of this is about all I can handle. Hehe. These glossy little lips are really adorable. Right?
Just remember to hold off on your Starbucks while you’re doing this challenge because that might not be what your nose is really ready for.
LOL! But it does look amazing.
Honestly, I hope this tiny face thing doesn’t last too long because I dunno if I can get used to seeing people looking like this walking around.
Can you?
Last Updated on May 7, 2020 by Kasia Galifi