Hopefully, we can get a little more of a DC Universe once these next couple of movies come out.
Or, at least a better DC Cinematic Universe. To be fair, it really comes down to personal preference! It’s the critics that give the movies a bad name!
It seems that DC hasn’t given up yet!

Now would be a good time to come in full force.
The sleeping giant that is Marvel just wrapped up its 3rd phase. So it’s time for DC to hit the ground running and catch up!
They seem to be doing that with these new movies.

Joker was a box office hit, and now we can look forward to the always lovely Dwanye “The Rock” Johnson in his new superhero movie, Black Adam .
Who I always thought was a villain…
And yeah, he’s supposed to be the arch-nemesis of Shazam…

But it seems as though they may be going the Joker route here.
Not only that, but we may see another superhero might the titular villain… None other than the Man Of Steel himself.
The producer of ‘Black Adam’ says it could happen.

He said in an interview with comicbook.com :
“I think the DC Universe is a wonderful universe and we’re open to everything. We have big aspirations for it. We’re friends with Henry. [The Rock] and Henry are friends, it’s a huge comic book brand as well.
Last Updated on November 25, 2019 by Jake Bean