Pink is a funny color for me. Being female, it was basically forced on me as a child, since simply so much stuff “for girls” is made pink by default. I didn’t dislike the color so much as rebel against it being forced upon me.
Now that I’m older and wiser, I’ve learned to appreciate the hue again outside its weirdly gendered cultural associations.
Particularly in nature, where plants and animals can manifest the sorts of pinky shades I really gravitate towards.

Like the pinks found in the feathers of the lovely pink-headed warblers of Guatemala and a small portion of Mexico.
In bright daylight, they reveal their rich, cool pinks that often lean towards purple.
In overcast or duller lighting, the hues are muted and reminiscent to the browner, yellower pinks of a bygone era.

They can be very hard to spot and it was actually difficult for me to find good photos for this article because of that.
Part of the difficultly lies in their very limited range and habitat.

They only live at high elevations, particularly the pine-oak and evergreen cloud forests of Guatemala. That range extends into the highlands of the Mexican state of Chiapas, but they are considered uncommon there.
Since their range is so specific, they are considered a threatened species.

Thankfully, there are still tens of thousands flitting about, but population levels are on the decline due to habitat loss and conservationists are working to stem the problem before it becomes a crisis.
h/t: American Bird Conservatory , eBird
Last Updated on September 6, 2020 by Amy Pilkington