Right place, right time. Serendipity. Magic .
Whatever you want to call it, it’s easy for these situations to seem too good to be true.
After all, how easy is it to believe that a now-married couple lived right around the corner from each other and never met until adulthood?
Or that six wedding guests all showed up in the same dress?
Keep reading for more spooky ones!
The high school sweethearts.

“As a college sophomore, I went on a trip to France by myself. I was sitting in Notre Dame Cathedral, listening to music, when a girl I dated in high school sat down near me – totally at random. We were both speechless when we saw one another there – out of the blue – in a foreign country within a vast cathedral.” – u/Back2Bach

When this girl’s friends were looking for her on Twitter, they searched using her full name: Morgan Knight.
What they found was insane: all of the Morgan Knights looked exactly like her! googles full name
The reunion.
When this Redditor met his new roommate in college, the new roommate said , “I used to have a friend named Simon.”
As you’d have it, the Redditor used to have a friend named Will. “We were best friends in first and second grade until his family moved.”
The Christmas gift.

This girl was in for a huge surprise when she opened up her uncle’s Christmas gift to her.
In the box was a gift receipt with a date coincidence that made her scream! “What are the odds? 12/12/2012 at 12:12?!”
The license plate.

“One time I parked, without even noticing, next to a car with the same license plate as me. I had a MA plate, she had a NH plate, both with the same 5-digit number. The weirder thing was that both of us had kept the plate as a novelty plate because the state wasn’t making 5-digit plate numbers anymore, but a family member wanted to keep it.” – u/Plewto
The burp.
“I once burped one second before a power blackout on my neighbourhood. It felt almighty!” this Redditor wrote .
Can they do that the next time we have a major project due? We’d really like the extra time, kthnx.
The engagement.

“My great-grandmother fainted when my mother told her she was getting married to my dad because my great-grandmother had gotten engaged to a guy with the same name as my dad and both men had been stationed at the same fort.
But great-grandmother’s fiance died. Fortunately, mom’s fiance did not.” – u/susan_is_a
The bird.

What are the odds?! This bird landed on this page as soon as this kid was reading it. He probably wanted to point out any inaccuracies in the book. Who would know better than him, right?
The mugging.
This guy was mugged by four guys in Nairobi, Kenya. Right before he was about to pass out, they dropped him and ran. He never knew why.
Cut to him meeting a British couple in Thailand a year later who described seeing his mugging in Kenya a year earlier.
The stalker.

“A couple of years ago, I met this kid at a sleepaway camp in New York. Somehow I saw him again at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco when I almost ran him over with my bike. Then, later that year, I went to my cousin’s bar mitzvah and saw him there, too!” – annaf4cfdce71c
The double date.
“Go out to dinner to celebrate my wife’s birthday. Sat next to a couple. We start talking. The wife is also celebrating her birthday and it’s on the same day. Ha ha! Crazy. We hit it off and exchange information to hang out again. Two months later I invite them to my birthday party and turns out the husband has the same birthday as me.” – u/NikkoE82
The gift card.

“Once, I went to the drugstore to pick up something, and I had a gift card from there that I’d used once before. The total of my purchase was EXACTLY what I had left on my gift card.” – s48ad52cc3
The neighbor.

“I lived exactly a mile away from my now-husband throughout our entire childhoods, teenager years and early adulthood before we’d even heard of each other and met.
What’s even stranger is, when he was running, he’d know he’d ran 1 mile exactly when he got outside my house and would regularly stop and time himself.” – u/deleted
The accident.

We can say with full confidence that this driver knew this would eventually happen.
Why else would he place this omen on himself and his car? The irony is super real, here!
“I was working at the Boy Scouts of America on Nov. 11, 2011 when a lady came in to return two items. She got $11.11 for her cash back! I told her she should go buy a lottery ticket!” – mcgee4975
The Ashleighs.

“I have a unisex name, lets say its Ashleigh. Anyway I was at a nightclub and was talking to this girl. I ask her her name and she said it was Ash, and I said ‘Haha werid, I’m Ash too! But what is your last name’ She says “Green” I just stare at her for like 10 seconds then reach into my wallet and pull out my ID. We have the same first and last name. Currently engaged.” – u/deleted
The right place, right time.

We don’t remember seeing these two in Sesame Street ! Then again, it looks like they’re at a bar… Let’s hope someone pointed out this coincidence to them so they could chuckle about it (and eat some cookies).
The celeb sighting.

In the middle of this girl’s college tour at Tufts, she and her family were discussing Solo: A Star Wars Story .
Midway through, her dad poked her and said, “Am I going crazy or is that Harrison Ford?”
The dress.

At first glance, you would think that these were all bridesmaids, right? WRONG.
These are all guests who accidentally showed up to the same wedding in the same dress. That designer was clearly onto something…
Last Updated on September 15, 2021 by Sarah Kester