A teenage girl saved up her own money to celebrate her 16th birthday as her parents couldn’t afford to. However, her parents took the money and spent it on new sneakers for her autistic sister. The girl confronted her parents but only got yelled at and grounded. Now, she’s asking if she’s the a*****e for calling her parents thieves. Read on to find out what happened.
Teen saves up for birthday, parents spend it on sister’s shoes

Parents take teen’s birthday money to buy sister’s shoes

Teen’s birthday money spent on sister’s sneakers? AITA for calling out?

Sibling’s savings spent on sister’s sneakers, AITA for calling parents?

Teen’s birthday money spent on sister’s shoes causing family feud.

Teen calls parents thieves for spending birthday money on sister’s sneakers

Teen punished for calling parents thieves over sister’s sneakers.

Is OP the a**hole? Let’s find out…

Teen’s birthday money spent on sister’s sneakers : AITA?
A 16-year-old saved up money for her “sweet 16” birthday, only to find out her parents took it to buy sneakers for her autistic sister . After confronting them, she was grounded and called an overprivileged spoiled brat for being selfish. Was she in the wrong? Read on to see what people are saying in the comments.
Teen’s birthday money stolen by parents for sister’s medical bills. NTA.

Teen rightfully calls out parents for stealing birthday money

Teen’s birthday money spent on autistic sister’s shoes – Redditors offer sympathy, advice, and support.

Teen accuses parents of theft for spending birthday money on sister’s shoes

Teen uses birthday money for sister’s sneakers, but parents called out

NTA for calling out parents’ theft, consider involving authorities

Teen turns the tables on parents in most epic party invite ever

NTA calls out dad’s thievery, warns of entitled sister’s future

Find a safe place, OP. Your parents’ stealing is unacceptable.

Teen accuses parents of theft for sister’s sneakers: NTA

Teen’s birthday money stolen by parents for autistic sister’s sneakers

Teen’s birthday money stolen by parents, what should she do?

Protect your money and your mental health: NTA for seeking help

Calling a thief a thief is always justified. NTA

Heartwarming community support after birthday money is stolen by parents.

Feeling neglected by parents? Consider living with other family/friends

NTA saves birthday money for future, parents steal for sister’s shoes

Teen spends birthday money on sister’s sneakers, parents spend it: NTA calls out their theft.

Teen’s parents stole birthday money for autistic sister’s sneakers

Sibling’s birthday money stolen for sister’s sneakers: NTA called parents thieves.

Parents stole teen’s birthday money for sister’s shoes: NTA

Encouraging words for a struggling teen

Teen rightfully calls out parents for stealing birthday money

Stand up for yourself and your future. You’re NTA.

NTA: Saving to move out is a smart move

Trust betrayed by parents, NTA for calling them out

NTA wants to destroy stolen shoes. Suggestions to sell on Craigslist.

Get your revenge! But seriously, NTA for feeling robbed.

Brave comment about leaving abusive household, but with consequences.

Fight for your money NTA

Siblings should be treated equally. NTA for feeling hurt

Sibling’s birthday money spent on sister’s sneakers, parents called out

Double standards? Sister’s birthday money spent on autistic sister’s sneakers.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/76046a08-e0eb-4349-940f-5538b1b8e918.png)
Teen calls parents thieves for taking birthday money for sister’s shoes

Don’t count on them for anything Valuable lesson learned. NTA.

Protect your money and leave when you can.

Secure your birthday money and focus on your education

Comment suggests stealing from parents, but warns against it

Parents steal birthday money, blame child for calling them out

Teen defends spending birthday money on sister’s shoes. NTA

Teen’s birthday money spent on sister’s sneakers without consent. NTA

Supportive comment: Press charges They stole from you. NTA

Teen’s parents steal birthday money for sister’s sneakers: NTA

Teen’s birthday money stolen by parents for sister’s sneakers

Teen’s birthday money stolen by parents. Time to save and leave.

Sibling favoritism leads to theft accusation: NTA or justified?

Support for calling out parents’ behavior towards autistic sister

Protect your money! NTA for calling parents thieves
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3511ab23-8fe7-4f61-8f9a-539d656dbd41.png)
Teen accuses parents of stealing birthday money to spoil sister’s needs

Teens shares experience with controlling parents, seeks support: NTA

Supporting a disabled sibling shouldn’t mean stealing from your child

Protect your hard-earned cash and independence ♀️

Teen’s birthday money stolen for sister’s shoes!

Not overreacting: calling out theft or not?

Last Updated on March 29, 2023 by Azka