A 16-year-old girl is caught in the middle of her parents’ divorce and doesn’t want to split her time between their homes. While her parents have agreed on everything else, they can’t seem to agree on what to do with their daughter. The teen is closer to her dad and doesn’t want to live with her mom and her mom’s boyfriend, who she doesn’t like. Her mom is emotionally draining and has been using her as an emotional support animal. Her mom’s family is now pressuring her to live with her mom instead. But is the teen the a**hole for wanting to live with her dad full-time? Read on to find out and give your opinion.
Teenager chooses independence amidst parents’ divorce
Teenager rejects shared custody due to emotional burden placed on them.
Teenager’s tough choice after parents’ amicable divorce
Teenager stands up for what they want in post-divorce custody battle
Teenager prefers living with dad over emotionally draining mom’s boyfriend
Teenager stands firm on custody decision amidst parents’ divorce.
Teenager pressured to choose sides in parents’ divorce by family.
Teen feels guilty for not wanting shared custody.
Teenager refuses shared custody after parents’ divorce
Divorce can be a tough time for any family, especially when it comes to deciding on shared custody. But what happens when the child refuses to split their time between parents? In this case, a teenager has made it clear that they want to stay with their dad full time, citing practical reasons like school and work. However, the real reason might have to do with their dislike of their mom’s boyfriend, who happens to be someone their mom cheated with. While the teenager’s decision is final due to their age, their mom’s side of the family is pressuring them to reconsider. Is the teenager being selfish or is their decision justified? Read on to find out the reactions and comments to this controversial situation.
Don’t let your parents’ emotional baggage weigh you down. Protect yourself ️
Teenager refuses shared custody due to inappropriate emotional support. NTA ♀️
Don’t let emotional blackmail force you to do something uncomfortable
16-year-old cites valid reasons for choosing father in custody battle ⚖️
Taking control of your life #NTA
Smart teenager chooses stability over shared custody
Putting yourself first isn’t always selfish.
Teenager refuses shared custody due to parental leverage and arguments.
Teen refuses shared custody, commenters agree mom’s not AH
Teen refuses shared custody after parents’ divorce. Judge will listen
Teen refuses shared custody and deserves to have their voice heard
Shared custody causing emotional trauma for child and parent.
Teenager chooses mental health and dad over emotionally draining mom. NTA
Choosing what’s best for you is important.
Blunt and to the point. NTA.
Empowering response to toxic parent and upcoming custody battle.
Choosing not to share custody, valid points raised. Good luck!
Prioritizing self-care over others’ feelings
Putting yourself first is important, stay in touch with mom
Divorce is hard, but you’re NTA. Keep your life stable
Stand up for yourself and prioritize your feelings
Putting education first , good on you!
Teen refuses shared custody and father approves! NTA
Grandma’s demand backfires, calling her out earns unanimous agreement
Don’t manage your mom’s feelings, she should be an adult ♀️
Supportive advice from a divorced mom to a teenager. ❤
Teen refuses shared custody due to controlling and manipulative mother. NTA
Self-care matters. NTA for prioritizing your emotional well-being
Divorce is hard on children too. NTA for refusing custody.
Putting yourself first is not a lack of empathy
Teen chooses to live with dad after divorce, but tries to maintain relationship with mom ❤️
Teenager asserts independence in custody decision, but what about visitation?
Choosing not to split custody was the right decision ✨
Valid reasons for refusing shared custody with step siblings. Stand firm.
Setting boundaries is mature, not cold. NTA
Respect your choice, don’t fall for emotional blackmail
Teen refuses custody due to mom’s new family dynamic. NTA.
Divorce is hard at any age, parents should prioritize their children ❤️
Don’t let her manipulation win. Support her, but prioritize yourself
A heartwarming advice to a teenager dealing with divorce
Moving every week in high school is super disruptive. ♂️
Consider limited custody for occasional visits with boundaries ❤️
Teenager refuses shared custody after parents’ divorce with impressive maturity
Cutting out toxic family members: a teenager’s dilemma
Empowering a teenager’s decision in a tough divorce situation
Choosing what’s best for you is not being the a**hole
Choosing to live with one parent after a divorce.
Teenager chooses mom after divorce, dad respects decision. NTA
Grandma’s input is important, but let’s keep it civil
OP deserves support and empathy, not emotional burden
Impressive self-advocacy by teenager in difficult divorce situation
Listen to your heart ❤️ You are NOT the a**hole.
Putting your mental health first is never a**hole move
Divorce is painful, but it’s up to the child to decide.
Teenager refuses to uproot life for mom’s boyfriend, sets boundaries ✋
Don’t let your parents’ divorce uproot your life. ♀️
Choose your parent wisely! NTA made the right decision.
Mature teenager chooses dad over mom post-divorce. NTA
Choose stability and mental health. NTA
Last Updated on April 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team