As gross as it sounds, getting kids to wash their hands can be a bit of a challenge. One teacher came up with a fun and easy way to encourage her students to wash their hands. Her idea is winning over the internet.
Regular hand washing has always been important, but its significance has increased in recent months due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Public health officials maintain that regular hand washing is one the best and easiest ways to protect yourself from the virus.
When it comes to kids, ensuring that they wash their hands frequently and properly can be more of a challenge.

At school, kids come into contact with a lot of germs from other students and their environment. It’s also difficult for teachers to monitor every student and make sure that they have washed their hands properly.
In response to new recommendations to step up her class’ hygiene, one teacher has come up with an easy and smart hack.

Shauna Woods is a third grade teacher at Hallsville Schools in Hallsville, Missouri. While she has always been a big promoter of personal hygiene for her students, she wanted to come up with a way to entice her kids to wash their hands more frequently.
For this idea, she turned to her trusty stamp.

Each morning, every student in her class washes their hands and then receives a stamp.
The idea is to make that stamp disappear by the end of the day by washing your hands.

If the stamp is gone by the end of the day, the student will receive a prize. So far, this class has loved this idea and it’s definitely increased the amount of hand washing going on.
Shauna then posted her idea on Facebook where it’s been shared 67,000 times.

Lots of people have been praising this smart and easy idea that gets kids to wash their hands.
A few people even said that they might need to adopt this idea for their coworkers.

Hey, everyone can benefit from washing their hands more — including adults.
Let’s all give this brilliant teacher a round of applause.
Thanks to her creativity, hopefully more teachers will adopt similar ideas in their own classrooms to promote hand washing.
Last Updated on March 11, 2020 by Emily McWilliams