You’ve seen charcuterie boards. You’ve seen taco boards . You’ve even seen dog charcuterie boards, aka barkuterie boards .
But you haven’t seen this: burger boards. Yup, deconstructed burgers are the next big thing. Let’s check them out.
Well, this is exactly what you were expecting.
And I dig it! This is basically a DIY burger, or even a deconstructed burger. However, it’s a dope concept. You can assemble your own burger without having to ask for no onions!
This is such a great party idea.
This is like a more compact version of a backyard BBQ! Just pick what you want from the board, build your burger, then kick back and enjoy your burger. I’m into it.
They even make burger salad boards!
Everything but the bun, am I right? You can put together your own salad (maybe bring some more lettuce), including little ground beef rounds that look oddly delicious.
Would you try a burger board?
I think this would be a really cool thing to try with your friends, especially in a restaurant setting. Burger free for all! I’m into it. Are you?
Last Updated on May 10, 2021 by Brittany Rae