Many of us have had experiences with helping an animal who’s fallen on hard times. It can be heartwarming, it can be heartbreaking, and it can be both of those things at once. It’s truly gratifying seeing the difference a little TLC can make in the life of an unwanted animal.
Meet Rico Soegiarto.

Rico, a 26-year-old from the Indonesian province of Bali, didn’t set out to be the hero of this story. But sometimes, it’s about being in the right place at the right time.
Rico came across this poor pup.

This sad little husky pup is a far cry from the big, burly huskies with amazing coats we’re used to seeing. This pup was skinny, malnourished and covered with bald spots.
It’s hard to look at suffering like this.

When Rico, an admitted animal lover, found the dog, he decided to dedicate himself to helping her get back on her feet, so to speak. She needed lots of TLC.
Progress was made.

After awhile, the husky pup (named “Hope” by Rico) had a spring in her step. On Rico’s Instagram , you can see just how dramatic the progress is — from mangy and malnourished to confident and chipper.
It didn’t happen overnight.

Hope was in pretty rough shape when Rico found her. So even though things were getting better for her, it took some time for the evidence of her hard life to disappear.
She grew, and grew, and grew.

Not only did Hope start to look better, she also started to look bigger. She was a puppy when Rico found her, and regular meals helped her fill out into adulthood.
It’s an awesome second chance.

Hope went from scrounging for scraps to going on full-on doggy day trips with her devoted human. From the looks of things, she seems happy to let the world’s experiences wash over her.
She’s made friends.

“She loves getting petted and eats plenty of cookies!” Rico told Bored Panda. “And she is so sociable that she worries me sometimes. There are many thieves in Bali.”
She’s socialized.

The first few pics of Hope on Rico’s Instagram show her wearing a muzzle, because hungry stray dogs can be unpredictable. But now, weeks later, she’s the epitome of well behaved.
Treats are a must.

You don’t want to spoil your pets. Then again, you don’t want to not spoil them either. And when another dog is getting some ice cream, it’s only fair that yours should, too.
Rico and Hope are BFF’s.

Just about any dog will see you as their master if you feed them and take them for walks. The gratitude must be even deeper for a dog like Hope who’s had a rough life.
Rico’s Instagram is amazing.

Stories like this just give you that warm fuzzy feeling, and Rico’s kind enough to document his life, his friends, and (of course) Hope. It’s incredible seeing just how far she’s come.
Good girl.

Rico’s no half-hearted dog owner, so he didn’t just feed and house Hope. He also makes sure she gets lots of exercise, and even got a certificate of approval from obedience school.
These bonds are so special.

Many of us have stories like this, and we want to hear yours. Tell us about a time that you changed an animal’s life, and tell us how it made you feel.
Last Updated on March 26, 2019 by D