Well, here we go, folks. Now that we live in a world with Snapchat filters that can turn you into attractive versions of the opposite s*x, you can really get catfished.
Get ready for some disappointing first dates.
Can’t you see, this is the land of confusion?

So you know that new Snapchat filter that changes people into their opposite gender?
Well, someone did it on the Game Of Thrones cast and the results were… confusing, to say the least.
Get ready to question everything you once knew about your sexuality, we’re going into this together, baby!!!
Jon Snow
See what I mean? Suddenly, Jon Snow goes from a guy I could admit was attractive to this somewhat goth smoke show… Ah! Get this off my screen, I don’t know how to feel!
Brienne Of Tarth
Honestly, she kind of just looks like one of the tougher Lannister cousins when she’s a male.
I much prefer her stronger woman look, because if she was a man she’d kind of just fade into the background.
Honestly, he kind of reminds me either of someone’s p****d off auntie or Rosanne.
Heck, if Conleth Hill can’t find work after Game Of Thrones , I know a certain sitcom that’s missing the lead…
Cersei Lannister
Rowr! Now that’s a strong jawline if I’ve ever seen one… and look at the way his beard just hugs the cheeks… and that look in his eyes… darn! Cersei as a guy really knows how to work it!
Bran Stark
How old is Bran in the show? (Discreetly googles it).
Okay so apparently he’s 18 in that picture, which means he’s 18 in the girl version? So I’m allowed to say that she’s pretty hot like her sister, Joan Snow? Okay cool.
Jamie Lannister
Now that is a woman who would demand to see the manager.
All we have to do is switch his name to “Karen” Lannister and boom! The spin-off writes itself.
Yara Greyjoy
Yeesh… listen Yara, I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything but… I can hardly notice a difference? I mean, sure you can see some defined stubble and everything but… yeah, not much.
Joffrey Baratheon
Yeah… same as Yara here, kind of just looks like he grew his hair out and threw on some makeup.
Ladies and gentlemen, his grace is going through a bit of a phase right now, he just discovered 80s hair metal…
Grey Worm
Jeez! Now that is one bad b-word! You can tell that girl Grey Worm is not a woman you would want to mess with, just like the man she originally was. See, I told you this was going to be confusing.
Tyrion Lannister
Nothing immediately comes to mind when I see these two side by side, except for maybe that “auntie” vibe again.
Definitely a cool auntie though. One that gets you “Oh the places you’ll go” on graduation.
Sansa Stark
Is it weird my mind immediately went to “frat boy” when I saw the picture on the right?
“Like, it’s like, really cold in Winterfell. Oh well. Me and my boys are gonna go behind the wall, drink four loko and rip some rails. My dad just bought me a new board. You down?”
Samwell Tarly
Um… yeah.
Kind of just looks like a female version of Samwell Tarly. Honestly, this one is the most underwhelming of them all. I’m not surprised, I’m not confused, it kind of just… fits.
Daenerys Targaryen
Now that is a King. Sure, he’s got Sheryl Crow hair, but Daenerys the man looks like he commands loyalty.
Not that Daenerys the woman doesn’t. Apparently, no matter which gender she is, she’s always looking powerful.
And there’s more we haven’t covered.

I wonder what Arya might look like as a man. Probably a total hottie like her brothers and sister.
Ugh… man what an… interesting ride. I need to go watch some ’80s action movies just to get back on track.
Last Updated on May 14, 2019 by Jake Bean