Breakups are definitely an emotional experience, especially if one of the parties was cheating on the other. When something like this happens, it’s easy to want to seek the vilest forms of revenge on the person who did you wrong.
But not everyone seeks to destroy their cheating exes with an emotion-filled drama that could sell millions at the box office.
Someone recently live-tweeted what went down when a woman confronted her cheating boyfriend at a local restaurant. The woman stayed calm, which ultimately led to her ex’s downfall.
While dining out at a restaurant, Ashe Dryden overheard a woman ripping into her boyfriend at the table next to her.

As it turned out, the guy had two girlfriends, and the other girl had called her to let her know.
And she did what any other innocent patron would do: she live-tweeted the whole d**n thing!

Dude: “But we were unhappy. She spent $25k on her credit card!”
Because that’s a valid reason for cheating on someone.
The woman remained fairly calm during the whole conversation, choosing to stay for dessert so she could force him to discuss what he’d done further.

Honestly, I’d probably order dessert just to throw it in his face, but clearly she is a better person than I am.
My favorite part about the whole exchange is the little tidbits Ashe throws in.

She is literally thinking what every woman would be thinking if they overheard this conversation. Because honestly, who wants to waste their vacation days on cheating scum?
But seriously, this would be the best telenovela ever.
“Her: no, look at me. Actually, you know what, don’t look at me. You’re trying to make this about your feelings, I can see it in your reaction”

Get it, girl.
They do say that the best way to get over someone is to get with someone else.

But to be completely fair, I think this woman is already over this guy and his games.
“Her: I’m jumping to massive conclusions here, but I swear I have very little confidence in your ability to be a good guy, Brad.”

Ashe tweets exactly what we’re all thinking right now, “Of course his name is Brad.”
It’s starting to sound like a John Tucker Must Die kind of deal when she brings up Stacy, the other long-term girlfriend.

It sounds like both of them are happy to be rid of Brad.
Even after the bill is paid, she won’t let him go.

He wants to keep in touch, but she lets him know that’s not his decision to make.
Which is actually pretty great for the rest of us, because we need to know how this ends.
At this point, Ashe is trying to find excuses to stay and listen in after her own bill is paid.

“Her: I like that I never have to worry about you again. What a relief.”
And in the end, Brad is out two relationships and this woman is the queen of the Twitterverse.

And Ashe is our hero for making this whole thing happen.
They finally left, and we’re left wanting more!

COMMENT to let us know if you’ve ever witnessed a public breakup. LIKE if you standby this woman for getting back at Brad!
Last Updated on February 6, 2018 by Diply