For a very long time, Pitbulls have had a controversial reputation as pets worldwide due to their history in dog fighting, the number of high-profile attacks documented in the media over decades, and their proclivity to latch on when biting. But unknown to many, Pitbulls also have a loving side to them, and like any other dog breed, they provide comfort to their owners when treated the right way.
Pitbull owner and soldier Vivian is one of the many dog owners who has experienced the love and loyalty of a Pitbull . A few years after the pet Noah joined the family when least expected, the proud soldier finally came to the conclusion that the fur baby is a special pup and her soul dog. Let’s take a look at Vivian and Noah’s amazing relationship.
How Did Noah Become A Part Of Vivian’s Life?
In September 2021, Vivian had a chat with GeoBeats Animals, where she detailed how her pitbull, Noah, became a part of her family. According to Vivian, at first, she and her husband had no intention of owning a dog because they were in the military. However, everything changed when Vivian’s husband, Palace, followed a friend to pick up a puppy from a breeder.
Upon arrival at the location, Palace noticed a little puppy on the side, which the breeder was about to discard because it was the runt in the litter. Thankfully, the man decided to take the dog and called Vivian to inform her about their newest family member. Vivian said she was confused as she and Palace never talked about getting a dog, but when she saw Noah’s face, she was certain the dog had to stay.
Vivian Thinks Of Noah As Her Soul Dog
Months after Noah joined the family, the dog became one of the biggest comforts to Vivian and her husband. The former made it known that her special pup could sense when someone in the family needed a sense of calm and gave them that. Such attributes Noah portrayed made Vivian consider her pet as her “soul dog” — a dog version of a soulmate.
Speaking to the outlet, Vivian said of Noah,
“He is very chill and has an old soul, almost like an older gentleman. He’s our old wise guy.”
Vivian And Palace Get Noah A Brother
When Palace was out of the military in 2017, the couple decided that Noah needed a sibling. Coincidentally, they stumbled across the profile of another pitbull named Lincoln, whom a family felt was wild and didn’t want. Despite what the profile said, Vivian and Palace brought the dog home. At first, Noah didn’t want anything to do with Lincoln, but eventually, the duo formed a good relationship. Vivian described her pups as “one is the calm, and the other is the storm.”
Noah And Lincoln’s Support Toward Their Owners
At some point, Vivian and Palace were separated for three years due to their job. The former was transferred to New Jersey, while her husband was transferred to South Carolina. During that difficult period, Vivian said Noah was there for her. Even when she hurt her knee and back at work and couldn’t get out of bed, the dog was her comfort.
Like Noah, Lincoln was also a source of comfort to Palace. According to Vivian, the pitbull kept her husband on his toes during a time when he didn’t know what to do regarding retirement. Overall, the two dogs brought happiness to their owners in return for the love and care they received.
Last Updated on December 23, 2022 by Chukwudi Onyewuchi