Many people daydream about sleeping under the stars. There is a sense of calm and peacefulness about being outside in the quiet of night and thinking about all the other life out there beyond earth. No? Just me?
People also love a good thunderstorm. Not me, personally. I’m actually quite terrified of them. But if you find them equally as relaxing as the stars, then this DIY project is right up your alley.
How pretty is this floating cloud light?

It looks like the exact moment lightning came out of a cloud. You can almost hear the low rumbling of thunder, which for some people is very calming, making this the perfect mood light.
And you know what? You can DIY one yourself!

You’ll need some paper lanterns, LED light bulbs, fishing line, a wooden dowel, batting stuffing, ceiling hooks, a glue gun, and plenty of glue sticks.
It’s relatively inexpensive and pretty simple to make.
After gluing the batting around the paper lanterns, then you can really get creative.

You can either fix the finished clouds with a regular old light bulb, or you can hang them from ceiling hooks with fishing wire and weave string lights through them to make it look like rain or lightning.
YouTuber TiffyQuake has a great tutorial on how to make one.
Attach little snowflakes on fishing wire to the bottom of the cloud during the winter, or hang little teardrop sun catchers from them to make it look like it’s raining.

If you don’t want to make one but you absolutely need one, Etsy seller TsybtsyDesign has a host of hanging cloud lights to choose from.
This is such a great easy DIY project for a rainy day!
Last Updated on March 4, 2020 by Olivia Nazarewich